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hollywooddouchenoz t1_j9hx3uq wrote

Ziggy is a top 10 character. Frank is top 5. Season 2 is great.


Artistic-Toe-8803 t1_j9iko8f wrote

Ziggy top 10? In the fucking wire? Is that a joke? Personally I don't really even understand how anybody could like him at all, but fair enough if you do, different strokes and all that. But to put him in a top 10 of Wire characters is just fucking absurd in every way. Idek if he'd make a top 30


-notapony- t1_j9k9dp5 wrote

Ziggy is a better character when you know his story. I remember watching it live, and initially thought he was being portrayed as almost the dock's McNulty, a lovable fuckup who ultimately does the right thing. Instead he's just a fuckup who keeps getting in more and more over his head. He's the personification of the theme of the season, a generation who feels pressured to live up to the standards of the previous one, but without the support and infrastructure that the previous generation had. He would never have become his father, but he also didn't have the ability to see any other path for his life.


jperiodcarter t1_j9i47zj wrote

I like season 2 but frank is DEF not a top 5 wire character haha. Respectfully disagree


Toadfinger t1_j9ifol5 wrote

Frog rulz! Truly underrated.

Go get me a Snapple.