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PleaseThinkFirst OP t1_j5bbmp6 wrote

Perhaps management realized that they had hired programmers that couldn't write anything and put them on non-functional teams. If they didn't blame the programmers and let them go, management would have to admit they made mistakes.

The following were some statements I received from management before I retired.

  • You'll never get anywhere around here if you care about the quality of your work.
  • Tell them you're giving it top priority and your full attention, but don't do any work on it.
  • The more expensive printer cost twice as much but would print twenty times as many copies without breaking down. They said that they weren't going to have to pay twice as much for a printer, purchased the cheaper printer, and ran it at ten times the specified print rate. I was pulling out melted parts and there were black streaks on the paper. They blamed the manufacturer for poor quality.
  • The customer is too dumb to understand our brilliance. Explain it to him. (The customer was right in his statements.)
  • They didn't want to hire experienced programmers because they were argue when it was apparent that it wouldn't work. When it didn't work, I was blamed for my poor attitude.
  • Managers spent more time trying to move the blame to other managers than they did on getting their own work done.

I stopped reading Dilbert when the PHB (pointy-haired boss) seemed far more supportive and intelligent than my own management.


throwaway92715 t1_j5dsb0w wrote

In other words, a pile of opportunists scrapping for their portion of negligent VC funding during the late stages of a gold rush.

Get out while the getting is good!