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ComfortableProperty9 t1_j23v1z0 wrote

I don't know what the regulatory space looks like for the feds but there are regulations for a few different industries that cover mobile security. There are companies out there that just do mobile management for large mega-corps. Tens of thousands of mobile devices under management.


eldog t1_j24fiue wrote

I did IT for a military contractor and they are not even allowed to install anything without IT doing it and for IT to do it they need management and security approval. I can't imagine how they impose this regulation for a contractor but not for actual Fed employees.


forcedfx t1_j23y8fn wrote

That was Blackberry's bread and butter.


eldog t1_j24fp4e wrote

They still use Blackberry UEM to secure iPhones for the gov


Combatical t1_j248wah wrote

Never thought I'd say this but I miss my blackberry. Touch screens be damned.


deadsoulinside t1_j24k8tp wrote

At this point you can leverage Microsoft In-Tune to manage app installs for mobile devices and to be fucking honest should already be in place with tight restrictions. If they don't, then we as a nation are fucked as government phones are not being restricted from installing/running any app in the playstores and we already know how many unsafe apps are out there that only get removed later.