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SparklyRoniPony t1_ix5juw1 wrote

The one thing TikTok does right is that the algorithm really shows the user what they want to see. Good luck getting Meta to do that. It’s a fun app. I’d love to see an American company do it and have it be as much fun, but we know capitalism will eventually take over and ruin it.


mmarollo t1_ix5lxrf wrote

That’s nonsensical. American companies are all “capitalist”. Capitalism can’t “take over” because it’s the underlying system for the entire planet other than a few desperate places like North Korea.


bigheartbiggerdick97 t1_ix6g85n wrote

The word capitalism is meaningless in this site. Everything people dont like is capitalism or communism


CocaineHammer t1_ix7r4jn wrote

That's because Communism's bad and so is rampant capitalism it's just some people tend to lean to far to each side.


iCantPauseItsOnline t1_ix6nhrh wrote

well comments like this certainly don't help


ganja_and_code t1_ix7e4xi wrote

They certainly don't hurt. If there's a problem, it's better to acknowledge it than to ignore it lol


hoboyolo t1_ix66bav wrote

Really really look into China. Modern day Chinese government. Jesus man, you want them in every home?


[deleted] t1_ix6fiqq wrote

YouTube already does that too and you can even curate Reddit to only see subreddits you want to see. None of this is new.


tdogg241 t1_ix61ef4 wrote

>The one thing TikTok does right is that the algorithm really shows the user what they want to see.

Knowing how to tap into and exploit your attention is hardly doing something "right."


tipbruley t1_ix5v5wh wrote

I doubt tik tok makes money without selling data to government entities so I don’t think it’s obvious a U.S. company will fill in for it


nomorerainpls t1_ix6cmyj wrote

Why wouldn’t Meta improve their recommendation engine to compete with TikTok? Have you paid any attention to their financial reports? ML models for ranking and recommendations is one of their biggest areas of investment.


CocaineHammer t1_ix7reg8 wrote

Metas design is to get you on FB more often by showing you things that make you mad because people interact with the things that make them mad more than the things that make them happy weirdly enough, you could say it's at least partly down to the user but then again Meta is a shit show so I'd have no doubt old FB getting ahold of something like that would but just as had as China. Ideally give it to another company give it to Elon Musk and watch more meltdowns happen that'd be funny.


nokinship t1_ix6i3h5 wrote

This is less complicated than you think. It's just grouping related tags together. Bam your algorithm. There's probably a neutral network component too that creates those tags.


SlowMotionPanic t1_ix7u6xb wrote

It is weird, then, how the competition doesn’t do it well.

Reels and Shorts, for example, really aggressively push rightwing content out of nowhere. I’m a leftist and subscribe mostly to leftist content creators. TikTok has no problems showing me mostly content from that spectrum. But Shorts? It almost entirely ignores my subscriptions directly and instead pushes me elsewhere. For example, I subscribe to a game streamer. Only one. So naturally Shorts shows me almost exclusively videos about guns in video games as rightwing propaganda is narrated on top.

Reels wasn’t much better when I tried it.

It seems that the competitors all have certain things they want to push—rightwing nut jobs in YouTube’s case and coronated internet celebrities in Instagram’s—and everything else falls by the wayside.

TikTok hones in quickly and makes feeds truly unique. That is why it is so good and dangerous.


jamesthepeach t1_ix8ws2u wrote

Idk why you would be downvoted. People upset about your comment have never used Tiktok - the algorithm is the reason people use it over Reels (stolen TT content) and Shorts (stolen TT content & Family Guy clips).


andthedevilissix t1_ixa4o0v wrote

>but we know capitalism will eventually take over and ruin it.

The app is an example of the capitalist system producing goods that people want.


sir-nays-a-lot t1_ix7u7ti wrote

No, the algorithm makes you think you’re more popular than you are.


CocaineHammer t1_ix7r1d2 wrote

Well Communism's currently ruining that and stupid kids with there "Trends" tide pod eating mofos then again Darwinism for some I guess.
