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hoboyolo t1_ix4kqa9 wrote

For anyone that thinks we shouldn’t ban tiktok just remember zero American social media platforms are allowed in China


circumtopia t1_ix92k2w wrote

And zero Chinese phones are allowed in major US carriers. You saying they should ban apple? No Chinese network companies can build in the US now yet Cisco built their great firewall. Is this really how you want to go with tit for tat?


nicuramar t1_ix50ead wrote

Yeah, but China is a dictatorship and can hardly be used as a model for what laws other countries should implement.


Bardhyll t1_ix549yq wrote

That’s a good point, we don’t want to use the CCP as a moral barometer. But by that same measure I would argue that it is appropriate to limit the availability of such a powerfully addictive app that is controlled by that same dictatorship. Especially since it has openly expressed a desire to reduce the US’ power and influence in the global arena.


PlaugeofRage t1_ix59u0m wrote

Honestly we should use the same rules for Chinese companies in the US as American companies have in China. Strictly from a common sense stand point. It is to our economic disadvantage not to.


nicuramar t1_ix54y06 wrote

> But by that same measure I would argue that it is appropriate to limit the availability of such a powerfully addictive app that is controlled by that same dictatorship.

Sure, there can be sense in that. It’s all a risk assessment. I don’t think the app is as directly controlled by Xi as everyone seems to assume without evidence, and I don’t think it poses any particular risk to “the average person”, but, well, it’s not up to you or me.


Zacajoowea t1_ix4lgsi wrote

To avoid becoming China we should copy China!


Bardhyll t1_ix53phc wrote

That might be more like reciprocal treatment. Copying China would be allowing the gov’t control over the app and more importantly the algorithms that subtly nudge your feed without your notice.