Kirilanselo t1_je9ucag wrote
Teams has a lot of bells and whistles I gotta admit, some quite nice quality of life options. However the amount of RAM it devours is astonishing... it chokes lower end laptops, like some old versions of Skype did. It's buggy though it often breaks and you have to uninstall it and clear the %appdata% and often, this doesn't even help...
As for Skype the MSStore version lately was doing pretty light on RAM hogging. Which is surprising... Skype does dark mode far better than Teams. Five or so years ago I installed a Skype instance on Linux I was amazed on how well it was doing. Now I'm using it on windows... 3 devices... it sucks most of the time.
If I had a choice I wouldn't use both... alas. I'd opt for telegram or something but good luck, getting your contacts on other messengers -_-
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