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VoidAndOcean t1_j85wvcw wrote

There is no logic. We knew how it worked by design. Its capability was going to grow exponentially because matrices by definition grow exponentially. It's the same basic logic that drives a 10x10 matrix that runs an n*n matrix.


ActiveTeam t1_j85y6p5 wrote

We know exactly how a single neuron activates and how it works. We also know the more densely packed the neurons are, it usually means the smarter the blob of neurons is. Does that mean we don’t need to study anything about the mind?


VoidAndOcean t1_j85ydul wrote

We didn't write the way neurons interact with each other. We did write the matrix and nodes.


gurenkagurenda t1_j8700le wrote

If basic explanations don’t convince you, the fact that there’s a boatload of PhDs studying this subject should give you pause. You probably haven’t figured out based on your vaguely informed reckoning that they’re wasting their time.


VoidAndOcean t1_j871663 wrote

bro i use ml/ai models for my job;

I don't know what to tell you. We know which models to use because we know what it will do.


gurenkagurenda t1_j8777i8 wrote

> i use ml/ai models for my job

Awe inspiring credentials.


VoidAndOcean t1_j877e2t wrote

am I giving a lecture?

This is simply my view.


gurenkagurenda t1_j878gnd wrote

You’re the one who tried to bring up your own modest credentials after I already pointed out that PhDs are focusing on this subject. Don’t get defensive when I point out that they make you sound silly. Your view is wrong.


VoidAndOcean t1_j879don wrote

there are PHDs studying bullshit all the time and research is a waste of time, it doesn't mean anything. That doesn't give or take away from my view.

you are just slightly out of your depth here arguing for sake of arguing. if you don't like an opinion then simply move on.


gurenkagurenda t1_j886jhh wrote

Ok buddy, whatever you say. The fact that you’ve said “matrix” throughout this and consistently referred to them as having a rank of two is telling.


AlpLyr t1_j8660lm wrote

In what sense does ‘matrices grow exponentially’, let alone ‘by definition’?

If you’re takling about the number of entries in an n by n matrix where n increases. That grows quadratically. Fast, but not exponential.