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Digital-Latte t1_j2v6x7e wrote

How do they expect people to be able to afford the fine?


the_honeyman t1_j2v748j wrote

That's the point. It's another cycle for people to get trapped in.


rungoodatlife t1_j2wq4rv wrote

Unfortunately for almost half the year it’s better they put the homeless is jail if shelters aren’t an option… look at the increase in petty crimes by homeless during cold months so they can stay warm


ProGlizzyHandler t1_j2xgoff wrote

Wait, I thought we lived in America. Locking up homeless people "for their own good" seems pretty damn un-American.


the_honeyman t1_j2x9nn6 wrote

...I can't believe you typed that with a straight face.


rungoodatlife t1_j2yzgb7 wrote

I have been incarcerated and unfortunately it’s a sad reality… the people acting like this is a hateful comment haven’t been incarcerated in a cold weather state during winter obv


the_honeyman t1_j2yzv2p wrote

Or we could use that same taxpayer money to set up systems that actually work and don't keep perpetuating the problem, ensuring future generations keep getting trapped in the same cycles.

Nah fuck it throw them all in jail.


22TopShelf22 t1_j2vkif9 wrote

Are you making the assumption that people pay their fines? They won't. And with all this said, the judge isn't going to throw the book at someone for their first offense. This is likely a punishment for a 10-20x offender.


disturbed_beaver t1_j2wobc0 wrote

10-20 is two to three weeks. Most people experience homelessness for far longer than this.