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Fryceratops t1_ivg0txn wrote

And hopefully people don't watch at all.


regulatorj t1_ivg9kq1 wrote

Well they will won't they, you know that.


pizza-yolo t1_ivghuik wrote

I know I will!


[deleted] t1_ivgtl5r wrote



DfenselessOldLady t1_ivh24ya wrote

You’re living in a dream world if you think people are not going to watch because of the corruption. They wait 4 years for this. Shouldn’t it be on FIFA? They gave them the bid


Fryceratops t1_ivh2tik wrote

And when FIFA drops the ball it us up to the individual to not support this.


Lego105 t1_ivi24wg wrote

You the individual and us the collective aren’t going to affect anything watched by half the globe, whether you or anyone here supports it or not is irrelevant to them. This isn’t even something the entirety of Europe and the USA audiences could have a major effect on, which realistically are the only two places that give a shit.

In a situation like this where you are completely powerless, you might as well choose the option which benefits you the most rather than having grandeur fantasies about having an effect on the world.


Fryceratops t1_ivj44ty wrote

If no individual ever attempts to change than no one can ever expect things to change.


Kn0where009 t1_ivge34h wrote

I’m out of the loop, why shouldn’t people watch?


getyourrealfakedoors t1_ivgelpr wrote

Because due to a long string of corruption, it’s in Qatar, where it will be played in stadiums built with slave labor


CaptainOktoberfest t1_ivgjjx9 wrote

Slave labor where close to 10,000 slaves died. Qatar would work them to death in the heat and without safety devices.


HowBen t1_ivgsvf2 wrote

That number is inaccurate, by a lot. But you're right about the conditions


236766 t1_ivguu5g wrote

Do you have a more accurate number? Are you saying higher or lower? Appreciate the info!


HowBen t1_ivgx5yr wrote

I think 10000 or other similar figures are probably extrapolations of the 6500 figure that the guardian reported, which is the count of all South-Asian* migrant deaths between 2011 and 2020.

That's still a pretty iffy number to use as a measure of deaths due to WC related exploitation, since it includes migrants from any occupation as well as death from any cause. In a country where South-Asian immigrants make up something like 30-40% of the population of 290000 people, 6500 deaths over a 10 year period doesnt sound that bad.

According the article i linked, the embassies of the origin countries only attribute a small percentage of those deaths to workplace accidents. Most are attributed to "natural causes", and this is where the article and other sources raise contentions since the data standards arent always that great.


atjones111 t1_ivgvd4l wrote

Yea because it wasn’t hosted in Russia Brazil South Africa the past 3 years all countries with questionable actions


getyourrealfakedoors t1_ivh975i wrote

You’re just further pointing out FIFA’s corruption


atjones111 t1_ivhaztx wrote

Well yea fifas corrupt but so are/were the countries


getyourrealfakedoors t1_ivhcu2g wrote

Sure, but Qatar is taking it to an atrocious level


atjones111 t1_ivhfz8a wrote

Russia was butchering people in a foreign country as they hosted a World Cup Qatar is honestly the least problem some host, tbh I’m not saying you are but in general I feel like the outrage just stems from islamaphobia again not saying you you are by any means, I just feel like Qatar has done the least troublesome things compared to all previous hosts


getyourrealfakedoors t1_ivhgfc7 wrote

True, I’m against migrant workers having their passports stolen and being forced to build billions of dollars worth of stadiums in appalling conditions in a barely inhabitable desert to line the pockets of blood oil tycoons because I hate Muslims, you got me


atjones111 t1_ivhjfq3 wrote

I literally didn’t say that and I agree with you, im just talking about the overall outrage I literally said I do not think you are part of that group


Kn0where009 t1_ivgg7bi wrote

I see, didn’t know where it was being held this time around. Thanks for the info!


ManningTheGOAT t1_ivgftnk wrote

Stadiums built on the graves of 6.5k migrant workers along with a string of other human rights violations.


minos157 t1_ivghagn wrote

Qatar is bad, but the 6500 number is not the number dead due to stadiums being built.


Let's not use misinformation to get our point across.


Rumpisthedevil t1_ivgkmfz wrote

I don’t know what information you’ve read but 6500 migrant workers dead in a country is a big problem. According to the article this guy is probably referencing its 12 workers a week. That’s able bodied working age men expecting to do hard work dropping dead. That shouldn’t happen.


minos157 t1_ivglo59 wrote

6500 migrant workers have died in Qatar since work began on the stadiums whatever amount of years ago. That figure includes ALL death, not just construction related let alone on the world cup specifically. Die by heart attack in old age? Counted, get hit crossing the street by a car? Counted.

Many of the workers are Indians, the death rate in Qatar for them is less than at home.

That's the point. The 6500 is being used with misleading headlines to make Qatar look bad. Qatar doesn't need help looking bad but these misleading stats undermine that by making people more willing to believe Qatar ISN'T that bad and media is just lying to make it LOOK bad.

I'm sorry, I'm in agreement that Qatar is bad, but I will never agree to using misinformation to support my convictions.


Rumpisthedevil t1_ivgxbco wrote

I mean I get what you’re saying, but for a country of 2.9 million people it seems disproportionately high. Accidents happen but I think the question is how many would have been preventable through a reasonable duty of care.


minos157 t1_ivgzvbz wrote

The average is too high, don't get me wrong. At about 650 a year or 12 a week, that's insane, but it's not all related to the world cup. I'm having trouble finding stats from before ten years ago to compare to though so I won't make any claims that it is equal, it could be higher due to the world cup.

The main point I'm aiming for is that 6500 number is constantly incorrectly applied.

At the end of the day, fuck Qatar and fuck FIFA either way.


chrisb993 t1_ivglict wrote

There's more to a World Cup than a bunch of stadiums- it's all of the infrastructure required to host a major tournament that Qatar didn't have to start with.

So while Qatar will very correctly say only a few people have died building stadiums, that isn't the true human cost of the World Cup.


minos157 t1_ivgm785 wrote

The migrant worker death figure is just migrant workers that have died in Qatar during that period. It is not related to construction specifically. It includes all forms of death. The 6500 number is wrongly used and I'm not ok with that.

Shit even if zero workers died we'd have a good argument against Qatar hosting this world cup, why use incorrectly applied data to prove a point that doesn't need help proving?


BreatheMyStink t1_ivin3z7 wrote

Hope in one hand and shit in the other and tell me which fills first.