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CaptainObvious t1_j9ac6ss wrote

"The two overtimes pushed the 65th running of the race to a record 212 laps — a dozen laps beyond the scheduled distance and a whopping 530 miles."


bcbodie1978 t1_j9ad9c5 wrote

Well that kinda ruins the joke.


CaptainObvious t1_j9aj0co wrote

Maybe there should be an asterisk?


gamedemon24 OP t1_j9anpfo wrote

It’s actually happened a good handful of times, this wasn’t some super unprecedented outcome. This year was just the longest.


ducks_09 t1_j9bn07u wrote

How did 2 OTs push it to 12 laps more? Aren’t OTs only a couple laps?


lord_pizzabird t1_j9br6dh wrote

They kept crashing, extending the OT.

It's really dumb system that IMO ruins races like this. I get why they've done this, but this is worse than having anticlimactic yellow-flag checkers. It's better from the audience perspective, but worse for the quality of the sport itself.


ducks_09 t1_j9brey6 wrote

Right but it was only 2 OTs. If crashes kept extending there wouldn’t be more no?


JCNoles t1_j9bsmv5 wrote

Track cleanup caused long cautions. I think the last caution was around 7 laps.


ducks_09 t1_j9byna8 wrote

I thought caution laps count up on the lap count? Like if you caution on lap 150 for 3 laps it’ll be lap 153 after.


Rush2207 t1_j9c629l wrote

Normally yes they do but nascar has an overtime rule in an attempt to make every race end under green flag conditions. if the race would end under yellow they do a two lap shootout to decide the race. If the leader makes it to the final lap before they wreck again then the next flag ends it.


jwk90 t1_j9cg495 wrote

Correct, every lap adds to the count, caution or green, wether they happen before or after the advertised distance.


JCNoles t1_j9c6pcn wrote

Yes. I don't remember if this is exactly how it went, but imagine it was Green on lap 201, Yellow 202-210, and Green 211-212. Two overtimes with a long caution in between led to 12 extra laps.