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Murray_PhD t1_j1l62u8 wrote

Okay, so here's some data: "A gas dwarf is a gas planet with a rocky core that has accumulated a thick envelope of hydrogen, helium, and other volatiles, having, as a result, a total radius between 1.7 and 3.9 Earth radii (1.7–3.9 R Earth); The term "super-Earth" is also used by astronomers to refer to planets bigger than Earth-like planets (from 0.8 to 1.2 Earth-radius), but smaller than mini-Neptunes (from 2 to 4 Earth-radii).

So going from this rather easily found data, I'm going out on a pretty thick limb here, but I have to say no.

Could there be a binary planetary system, which contained a mini-Neptune, and a super-earth? Probably not lol but it seems more likely than a super-earth with a mini-Neptune as a moon.

That being said, universe is so vast, and most things we've seen with JWT has made us rethink a lot of the astrophysical standard concepts.

Total copout, but maybe?


The-Sturmtiger-Boi OP t1_j1l9phm wrote

knowing the universe, i wouldn’t be suprised if there were a few gas-terrestrial binaries orbiting a barycenter dotted around our own milky way