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BrotherBrutha t1_j25jele wrote

Just to be needlessly pedantic (because I’m bored!), from what I understand photons couldn’t start travelling through the universe until about 400,000 years or so after the Big Bang (maybe a bit less, depends what you read!), since it was opaque until then.

So, the CMB from that time is as far back as we can get with a telescope.


The-Temple-Of-Iron t1_j25jokq wrote

My bad. I stand corrected. I got the "earliest we know for sure" and "earliest we can see mixed up. Thank you!


RobotNoisesBeepBoop t1_j25t6t7 wrote

We might be able to use sensitive enough neutrino detectors or gravitational wave detectors to see further back than the CMB though I believe. Just not “light” detecting telescopes. I mean. We are nowhere near that right now and may never be. But it’s theoretically possible.