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GlenJman t1_iy7y2j2 wrote

Likely will only increase the gap between the rich and the poor.


robertojh_200 t1_iy8s996 wrote

It may, but the overall quality of life at the bottom ought to go up. The wealth gap today is worse than it was 300 years ago, in a strictly linear fashion, but most people In first world countries live a better, more comfortable life than the wealthiest king of that time period.


GlenJman t1_iy8sbw5 wrote

Also true, very fair point.


robertojh_200 t1_iy8uynb wrote

Yeah I think it’s always important to put quality of life in perspective when talking about wealth gaps. The wealth gap should not be anywhere close to what it is now, certainly, and it’s easy to fall into a nihilistic cynicism over the state of wealth distribution in the world.

But I would counter that cynicism with the fact that we are even able to have this discussion at all. I’m holding in my hand right now a device that has the full scope of all human knowledge ever conceived accessible too it at the press of a few buttons, discussing the merits of interplanetary colonization with people from all over the world on a platform that engenders open discourse of current events in real time, from the comfort of my carpeted, centrally heated apartment while a machine does my laundry and my speaker plays any song ever written when I tell it too.

The way that Kings used to live 300 years ago would be seen as relatively quaint at best, downright uncomfortable at worst by our standards; it’s not the size of the castle so much as the quality of your life that I think people tend to miss. That’s not to say that life still isn’t a struggle, I think it’s something like 40 % of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and those are problems that need to be resolved. I just think it’s important to keep the development of human enterprise in perspective, the things that it’s allowed us to achieve on an individual level would be unbelievable to people 300 years ago. In that lens, the development of outer space can really only be to everyone’s benefit. Rich people don’t benefit from an infinite supply of resources if they aren’t selling it to a populace that can afford it; there is no doubt in my mind that we are on the cusp of a civilization of outer space trillionaire‘s, probably even quadrillionaires. Access to space would fundamentally change our concept of the economy, at least for thousands, or potentially even millions of years. Right now we face shortages of lithium, silicon, helium, and other raw materials that are vital to modern life. But those things exist in functionally infinite supplies in the solar system, and new technologies such as fusion reactors could lead to a true golden age. The people that crack these technologies or first stake claims to these resources will be the wealthiest people in human history. But they can enjoy their fancy space yachts if that means that free and/or cheap fusion energy, power satellites, and infinite abundant access to raw materials and access to space uplifts all mankind. Look at how far we’ve come on an individual level over the past 300 years, and imagine the kind of quality of life that we could expect in 300 years from now in a society that is materialistically post scarcity. There would not be a need to want for anything, and scarcity-based economies would have to rethink how they function from the ground up.

It’s definitely a scary time to be alive, with all of these potential new changes, but I prefer to see them as opportunities.


Freetobedumb t1_iyb4sv4 wrote

I really enjoyed this take, it was honestly refreshing and it’s nice not looking at big picture issues through a lens of doom and gloom.


Limos42 t1_iyc12b3 wrote

Holy crap that was an excellent post. Thanks for sharing.

I wish I had gold, but you'll have to settle for my upvote instead.


JKJ420 t1_iy8vd3c wrote

Maybe you should have thought of that before writing a useless, negative comment.


GlenJman t1_iy8w9ef wrote

Oh look, a useless negative reply to a useless negative comment. 😂


Maleficent_Hamster10 t1_iyawvhv wrote

And many in the other 2nd and 3rd world countries still live like feudal peasants while their elected officials live like modern day kings.


SpeshellED t1_iyauwfv wrote

We will now pollute the living shit out of low earth orbit and the moon.


robertojh_200 t1_iyawa46 wrote

Polluting empty space is a bit of an oxymoron.


Busy_Bitch5050 t1_iybwiv2 wrote

It would still affect the overall expansion of the universe and the formation of solar systems. More resistance = lower speeds = change in formation of celestial objects.


bookers555 t1_iy88hov wrote

Just wait a bit longer until space piracy becomes a thing, then things will get equalized.


GlenJman t1_iy88kg2 wrote

Damn, I really want to be a space pirate now. 😂


Orangeb0lt t1_iy8ubsr wrote

We're all born like 150 years to early to be space pirates living on an astroid 😞


SowingSalt t1_iy8kqf6 wrote

I don't know, solar power satellites have the possibility of making energy cheap and abundant.


GlenJman t1_iy8mo4m wrote

People who have the resources to build infrastructure like that are devoid of morals, that's the issue at the moment. Anyone with enough wealth and power to better the world is incapable of doing so.


SowingSalt t1_iy9fo0e wrote

I guess I don't live in the same world as you.


GlenJman t1_iy9jjqj wrote

I mean... I certainly can't put up solar powered satellites, I'm basically destitute. Your average millionaire couldn't either, though I already doubt they are good people with that much wealth. Only billionaires and governments would be able to achieve something like that.


SowingSalt t1_iy9jzvf wrote

The billionaire wants to run his house/factory/datacenter...


GlenJman t1_iy9kt4b wrote

Wouldn't benefit communities very much if he powers his empire cheaply, that only benefits him. The example isn't the point though, I just don't believe anyone that hoards wealth could be considered altruistic, they won't do anything to help others unless they're forced to.


SowingSalt t1_iy9nnq0 wrote

Someone already built a power satellite in this case. The contractor has the tooling and expertise to build another without having to pay the development cost.

Though, if we live in a world with Power Sats, we probably live in a post scarcity society.


greenw40 t1_iya1xet wrote

Why are people with the most comfortable lives so cynical and despondent?


SpeshellED t1_iydal58 wrote

I guess its because they have more time to think about what is actually going on in our little world.


GlenJman t1_iya2xuk wrote

I don't know how you're not at least a little cynical 😂


Spirit-Revolutionary t1_iy893fi wrote

Maybe we can get lucky and live in that one age where everyone makes a lot more before it crashes down and then your either poor or rich again


Factsaretheonlytruth t1_iy8zjsu wrote

The glaring omission here seems to be, what happens to commodity prices and the world economy once asteroids become accessible for mining and currently rare resources become abundant; e.g., precious metals and rare earth elements?


t6jesse t1_iyacgdn wrote

It'll probably be a gradual process, not a sudden shock


Strange-Ad1209 t1_iy871vw wrote

How did the trans Atlantic economy change once resources began to be acquired from the New World? How did Colonies provide places for disaffected people to go to get away from the Old World and try their hand against the risks to life and limb in the New World? It won't be exactly the same but as always with new frontiers it will provide expanded opportunities for those who manage to survive, and their heirs.


Xaqv t1_iyaoqq3 wrote

And exploit or more likely extirpate those already there.


robotical712 t1_iyaq889 wrote

I don’t think that will be an issue in the rest of the Solar System.


Xaqv t1_iyautpe wrote

Yes, let’s hope the pattern doesn’t repeat itself like colonization.


Username_737237 t1_iyaltxk wrote

Systemwide tensions grow between the Earth government and the Mars government. Eventually asteroid miners seeking independence from the corrupt organizations seek refuge in the asteroid belt and outer planets. This will take place about 300 years from now


TheRealMonreal t1_iyadt21 wrote

Mining the Moon will be a game changer. Also sending mining robots to the asteroid belt. All those rare minerals and even common raw ores.


Darkendone t1_iy8d7cc wrote

Ultimately there are a number of ways.

Exploration of space will bring advances in scientific understanding that will translate into better technology.

Space mining will help alleviate the resources constraints here on Earth, and allow the Earth based economies to continue to grow while doing less damage to the local environment.

Space colonization will provide people with places to live. It will help alleviate population pressure on Earth.


BaphometsTits t1_iy90yjs wrote

>Space colonization will provide people with places to live. It will help alleviate population pressure on Earth.

How has colonization ever relieved population pressure in the places from where the people emigrated? Did the colonization of the Americas ultimately make Europe less crowded?


nine8whatwhat t1_iya6bzd wrote

It won’t in any equitable sense but I’m sure we’ll get a lot of cool gadgets.


vietcong69l t1_iybxj1h wrote

Not just the world, the whole solar system too


Blk-cherry3 t1_iy82jl8 wrote

need to better educate the next generations in the sciences, medical arts and fabrication.


Individual-Lab-6695 t1_iy9oy3r wrote

Elysium. Seems that way since money rules everything around me.


calibared t1_iya0144 wrote

Rich will get even richer and the dregs of society (aka poors like you and me) will be faced with an ever increasing wealth/power gap. So in short, nothing new.


kizzay t1_iy84zos wrote

When you look up at the sky all you will see are hyper-bright space ads, no stars. Meanwhile you’re eating powdered bug meal and working at the Amazon warehouse with armed robot dogs enforcing productivity and compliance.


heliosprimus t1_iy85nzw wrote

Unfortunately I agree, as much as I don't want to. Of course, civilization will ease into this sort of situation i feel. A slow descent into a boring dystopia.


redditknees t1_iy8uifn wrote

It will make the rich richer beyond their wildest dreams


Existing_Ad_6649 t1_iy88dtk wrote

I purpose a Space Profit Tax.

All received taxes, goes to save earth from humans.


Darkendone t1_iy8ch29 wrote

And that is how the space revolution to reject control from earth begins.


piggyboy2005 t1_iybtd5m wrote

I propose a tax tax, it's a 50% tax on all taxes, that goes right back to whoever paid the tax.

Stop taxing everything, there's too many taxes already.