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syizm t1_iuuxpwi wrote

I worked aerospace for a long while.

Its a bit low in the salary department but the work is fun, usually fascinating, and rewarding.

It was the lowest paying job I've had as an engineer, but still the best for many reasons.


root_over_ssh t1_iuv33pg wrote

Yep, my previous job sucked, but watching a launch or hearing people talk about one was always fun when you made something that was a part of it (even if there were many alternatives they could have used)


wrigh516 t1_iuw00vq wrote

I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering. I eventually went back to school for a higher degree in Data Science for the pay and higher demand. I was swimming in opportunities in Data Science when Aerospace went bone dry. I also studied Computer Science in undergrad, so the transition was easy.


syizm t1_iv4a8qh wrote

Hey, I now do data science with an engineering degree also - from a mech e position in aero.

Its a good field. Usually fairly easy work (aided by software and basic principles) that 95% of the population considers sorcery. Good stuff.


zoicyte t1_iuw5vv8 wrote

what did you do?

i work in aerospace (after a fashion), and the salary tracks, but strictly speaking i'm software development.


HereForTheFood4 t1_iuyj6fp wrote

That is because NASA is on a shoestring budget now. They really ratcheted the price of the contracts down.

They use the appeal and noteriety of the agency to attract employees and pay them under market average.


syizm t1_iv4aa7a wrote

Most of aerospace is entirely outside of NASA. 99% for sure.


HereForTheFood4 t1_iv5ebvn wrote

They are majority on NASA contracts with other companies. Just because they aren't NASA employees doesn't mean they don't work for NASA.


Freyra_ t1_iuymnej wrote

I've worked in the poop knife testing department. It stinks.


geniusgrunt t1_iuzc133 wrote

What is "bit low"? $160K seems pretty good.. though I suppose that would be the higher end and you mean relative to other sectors.


syizm t1_iv47wjo wrote

Its relative and comparative. $160k in Aero might be $200k elsewhere. Its typically some fixed % lower, but not always.

Its a mature albeit advanced field, which might explain it. As well so much of the aerospace sector is tied to the defense industry which similarly pays (comparatively) low.