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apinkphoenix OP t1_j0hsw90 wrote

Adapt to what? Learning to code? Well joke’s on them because the meme AI-resistant career is looking like it’s workforce will be heavily reduced in the near future. Drive taxis, Ubers, trucks, buses, train drivers on your metaphorical train tracks? Soon they’ll all be automated as well, and they will all be fighting over the rapidly shrinking pool of jobs that actually aren’t being automated.

Saying that they should adapt is so absurdly cold and lacking in empathy.


rixtil41 t1_j0ilxlo wrote

You seem to be talking about immediate solutions which im not sure anyone has right now. But I'm against banning future developments or advancements as an answer.


apinkphoenix OP t1_j0k1k3c wrote

I’m not advocating for anything to be banned. I’m advocating for empathy, and to raise awareness of the suffering of millions of people for no fault of their own.


TheSecretAgenda t1_j0i4v35 wrote

Doing caricatures on the street is adapting. Paint portraits for people of more modest means is adapting. Doing street murals is adapting. I just thought of those in under 60 seconds. Artists need to be more creative.