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94746382926 t1_ivd1mm2 wrote

Get really, absurdly good at something without regard for how long it takes. Then after that start probably fuck around for awhile and just do whatever I want (obviously will probably still have to work). Beyond that just normal life stuff like have a family, etc. Once that's done maybe recommit myself to working on extreme moonshot goals that would normally be out of reach during a normal human lifespan. Maybe try and understand how to further improve the intelligence of humans, space travel, etc.

If you're truly immortal though (accidents or violence notwithstanding), then eventually it would probably end in a medical suicide for most people at some point.


PandaCommando69 t1_ivhjvc4 wrote

Idk about that. In an endless universe there's endless things to do, though I suppose one could get bored. I wonder if God gets bored..