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mtksm t1_it4fvf9 wrote

Reply to comment by adamsky1997 in A primitive "holodeck" by Ezekiel_W

I’ve never experienced nor spoken with anyone who has experienced a dmt journey in which they were controlling any part of it.


free_dharma t1_it4nlbf wrote

Same lol! That’s not really my experience, nor others. I’ve read hundreds of experience, and had many myself.

I have heard of entities telling people the environment is based on how they’re feeling, that there is a connection….but not control of the experience


HumanBeing-1994 t1_it4zd1w wrote

I had lucid dreams in wich I could control 100% of manifesting reality trough intention.


to55r t1_it5vm4i wrote

Same. In fact, being able to instantly manifest thought into form via intention/will (that is, not every thought I had instantly manifested, just the ones I put some "command" behind) was the only meaningful difference for me between a fully lucid dream and waking reality. The dreams are that real.

I'd be cool with experiencing that in waking reality too, to some degree at least. I don't want to mess around in other people's lives or anything, but full dive VR would be super nice for my own personal entertainment (assuming that's not already what life is -- my soul just playing some game).


erkjhnsn t1_it5egog wrote

At some points during my Ayahuasca trip it felt like I could control which memories to view. It felt like my memories were a book and I could just flip through the pages, seeing memories I hadn't thought of in years.

Probably just an illusion though.