Submitted by Current_Side_4024 t3_127prm1 in singularity

Which is ironic bc they’ve done so much to bring about change but now that AI is reaching a tipping-point, they don’t wanna go over the edge bc then they won’t be seen as smart anymore. Being a cutting edge researcher is a pretty sweet life, everyone sees you as a genius, and that’s what they’re trying to hold on to. But AI is gonna make us all look like fools, including them, and that’s what they’re afraid of



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agonypants t1_jefcxn4 wrote

The impression I have is that FLI wants a neutered version of AGI that isn't disruptive to the status quo. They want an AGI that won't make people uncomfortable, that preserves our awful capitalist structures. In other words, they seem to want to avoid an AI that doesn't benefit people too broadly or too quickly. The whole point of AGI in my mind is that it can completely displace the poisonous economic systems that we've been propping up for the past two hundred odd years. Furthermore, AGI can tremendously accelerate the pace of technological progress - again, benefitting humanity broadly and sooner rather than later.

I will always prefer fast, broadly beneficial expansion of new technology. Nobody "paused" the polio vaccine for six months - and for good fucking reason. And yes, I see our current political and economic crises as equally as urgent as polio was.


TallAmericano t1_jegs4td wrote

I’m curious what the economic system would be after many (most?) white collar jobs are eliminated? (This presumes that nearly all blue collar jobs will be lost to automation.)

I don’t disagree that capitalism is flawed, but it’s easy to say “get rid of it” and hard to say “here’s what replaces it.” Ubi? How do humans continue to create value in that scenario? This is an important question that nobody seems to have a plausible answer to.


baldthrowaway4u t1_jeh3qmq wrote

This whole notion that white collar would be replaced by AI anytime soon is so ridiculous


earthsworld t1_jefido0 wrote

another fine example of the continued decline of this subreddit.


Memestealing_Nibberz t1_jegqe9s wrote

absoloutely. This is the same reaction everyone had in my local online newspaper comments to these news.

Super low IQ people making up shit and somehow it gets to be a top comment. The (intellectual) elite is scared of losing their literal lives to AI, not their status or money.


Memestealing_Nibberz t1_jegqn4o wrote

Why do the dumbest of the dumbest in every room in real life feel qualified to comment on the implications of AI stuff on the internet?


Awkward-Skill-6029 t1_jef8ci2 wrote

Why is the government not already making a plan to transform the economy, even in a draft version? We are all fucked


agonypants t1_jefe41n wrote

One of the two political parties in the US are absolutely devoted to the idea that government should never do anything to help individuals in any way whatsoever. And brainwashed people continue to vote for them. This country has been headed in entirely the wrong direction since LBJ. The fact that AI is emerging at a time when our society has never been less prepared for it is unfortunate. At the same time, the disruption of our labor market is going to force the change and progress that's been sorely needed for a long time. There's going to be a painful transition period where wide swaths of people will be unable to put roofs over their heads or food on the table. Unfortunately it takes tragedies like that to get voters to act in their own interests. Look at history - the US dragged their feet on the holocaust until it was very nearly too late. During the Great Depression they continued to vote for Hoover and other politicians that refused to take action. It was only when the public felt real pain that they elected FDR. It's absolutely going to be the same for the emergence of AI and the disruption of the labor market. They will vote for the most selfish, greedy, corrupt, tech-illiterate, god-bothering nitwits right up until it means starvation for their children. It's stupid and tragic, but a valuable lesson for people I guess.


SkyeandJett t1_jefchs8 wrote

This is the real question. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Any investment that isn't going into AI and Robotics is a waste. We should be in full on 1955 space race mode but it's not even on the radar. Absolute insanity.


SurroundSwimming3494 t1_jeg1cye wrote

>Any investment that isn't going into AI and robotics is a waste.

No offense, but this is one of the most ridiculous things that I've read on reddit in a while.

And this is coming from someone who thinks the government should invest more in AI/robotics. But investing all of it? That would be insane.


chlebseby t1_jeferuv wrote

Governments are pretty disconnected from reality recently in most of the world.

Is suspect correlation with average age of politician increasing.


Sailorman2300 t1_jefvr6l wrote

I'm thinking because government is best at being reactionary instead of proactive. In the US, it is also beholden to capitalist framework which encourages the status quo.

I wouldn't put faith in government to be able to start to address this. It's not equipped to adapt to this type and speed of change. Government will be increasingly irrelevant.


Iffykindofguy t1_jefef1k wrote

No its a little bit more complex than that. I dont agree with a pause but writing it off as this just shows youre the same coin just a different side.


MutualistSymbiosis t1_jeffmqs wrote

Any sentence that include "is just.." or "are just..." loses most if not all credibility. It's communicating you have a simplistic perception of a complex world.


TopTap7709 t1_jeg79wz wrote

What are the benefits precisely of overcomplicating things?


uwumasters t1_jegqnx7 wrote

Your question is not well framed. For complex matters there should be at least complex thoughts. I don't know if the solutions have to be complex but the conversations must be. To fail to do so is an oversimplification of the subject which is bound to fail.


Current_Side_4024 OP t1_jefftg4 wrote



3_Thumbs_Up t1_jeh0uid wrote

That's a design principle. What are you designing?

Moreover, the simplest explanation would be that they're telling the truth. They're afraid of getting killed.


pengo t1_jegz2so wrote

this is probably the most childish post i've ever seen on the internet


JenMacAllister t1_jef9d8x wrote

Well once the computers come for your job, they tend to start making arguments against it.


Hydramole t1_jegn6l9 wrote

I feel like they are getting left in the dust and all they can think of is some fear mongering.

It'd have more credibility if the apartheid beneficiary didn't sign.


Ohigetjokes t1_jegh99j wrote

They're not scared of change. They're feeling FOMO that their own AI efforts haven't stepped up yet, and they're hoping to put the brakes on others so they can catch up and compete.

It's pathetic, really.


WonderFactory t1_jeg7b9q wrote

No, in an ideal world this is sensible. things are probably moving a bit too quickly at the moment. We've waited decades for this so pausing for 6 months to ensure were moving forward safely is sensible.

But it's not an ideal world, not everyone will agree to this so it's pointless.


MrSmileyHat69 t1_jeganwc wrote

These people need to be viewed as the Neo-luddites


deadlands_goon t1_jegjsvn wrote

theres way more to be concerned about than just the possibility of AI making us look foolish…


Typo_of_the_Dad t1_jegkkj1 wrote

Well, why do you trust AI to take care of us? Or do you just want it to replace us.


mascachopo t1_jegpjuy wrote

I am scared of bad change, probably you are too.


elfungisd t1_jegu98m wrote

No, they are scared of the politicians who have their hands on their purse strings.


Polyphonic1979 t1_jeh269z wrote

Or they have seen the Terminator. There are much greater reasons to be concerned with AI other than pride.