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FogletGilet t1_j46lzfs wrote

Nobody comments on the fact that the effects are not linear. This only shows activity at low and high concentration not in between, which is a huge warning for assay artifacts. It is impossible that anybody with a little bit of medicinal chemistry experience could have reviewed that work.These are just effects seen in vitro on enzymes and we know these molecules can have effect in-vitro and not in-vivo by perturbing the assay and that's more than likely what we are seeing here. And it is published in a low quality journal. I would be extremely careful with what appears to be poorly reviewed research. Disclaimer: I have written and reviewed for that publisher before and I definitively will not trust them anymore.


MatFalkner t1_j46nem7 wrote

In other words, this is a “hey we should do more tests paper” not a “hey we should make weedosporin for cuts paper”.


FogletGilet t1_j46oh7x wrote

Not even. A lot of molecules you can find in any plant including salad would be active on this enzyme at those dosages. This is just a paper adding to the noise unfortunately.


mattmre t1_j488wkf wrote

Someone checking a box for the grant money spent... with hand out for more.


DrTonyTiger t1_j47ben2 wrote

The warning is important. MDPI is letting lots of crap through. I don't trust anything in their journals any more.


DeeplyTroubledSmurf t1_j48g9f0 wrote

In-vitro experiments are fun and make great headlines. They're also in sterile and stable environments. I'm not sure the general public realizes the difference between what a chemical is capable of, and how unrelated that can be to what your body does with it.


Cleistheknees t1_j48zzo6 wrote

> It is impossible that anybody with a little bit of medicinal chemistry experience could have reviewed that work.

It’s MDPI. Was probably reviewed by a janitor.


MemmoryDealers t1_j4ajwnx wrote

Cannabis is so emotionally charged that it 'feels' like a lot of low quality (and honestly just unscientific) studies get published.


jhillman87 t1_j48unzq wrote

High concentrating huh?

So... you're saying... i just need to smoke way more?


patfetes t1_j46hs7n wrote

Weed be out here fixing everything. We should take a moment to congratulate the clear winner in the war in drugs. Drugs!


Rodot t1_j476jeg wrote

I wonder if this applies to psychedelics as well. They bind to the serotonin-2 receptors which, among other things, promotes platelet aggregation (and many SSRIs have increased bleeding risk because they down-regulate these receptors) . So would psychedelics also promote faster wound healing? I know, like with weed, some psychedelics (like DOI, LSD, LA-SS-Az, and TCB-2) are also anti-inflammatory. Perhaps sub-perceptual dosages of these things could also have medical application in wound healing? DOI especially because of its extremely long duration of action would make it a medication you take once a day in the morning.


Hanflander t1_j479zqs wrote

5HT2A receptor agonism from classical psychedelics is also associated with increased BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which leads to neurogenesis and more connections between brain cells. This is even evident after a single administration. Look up “psychoplastogens.”


Possumsurprise t1_j47f95g wrote

Is this observed with purely monomeric-targeting 5HT2AR agonists though? Because the psychedelics exert their strong perceptual effects and I believe some other effects by binding to those in an oligomer with mGluR2,to disinhibit glutamate activity, though I think there had been challenges to that idea recently. Either way there would be something more to the effects of psychedelics at 5HT2ARs because those like lisuride that bind to the monomeric form only don’t induce the same kind of effects, though I may be missing something.


Rodot t1_j47cda2 wrote

It should be noted that amphetamine also increases BDNF and improves functional connectivity in the brain while promoting neurogensis, while also causing less confusion.


patfetes t1_j4772r5 wrote

I suppose only tests can tell us the truth.


DeletinMySocialMedia t1_j49r6ks wrote

As someone who had severe anxiety and constant negative thoughts that were never ending which also meant insomnia. Psychedelics completely changed all that and more. At 25 I thought I was damaged by childhood abuse. Now 33 psychedelic healing I realized I’m not damaged just traumatized. A quiet mind with no negative thoughts is a game changer to say the least.


[deleted] t1_j47lc4v wrote

Take enough and you’ll forget about your injury too, leading to an infection


Rodot t1_j489h2x wrote

If you take so much that you forget about your injury you're gonna have other problems


CloudiusWhite t1_j46va8g wrote

I knew green herb was weed


Hanflander t1_j47arkc wrote

Found the Resident Evil reference.

Yeah how many green herbs in planters are by default HIDDEN inside closets, desks, and balconies? And when you mix two together, you have a circular mound of green powder on a piece of paper in your inventory? Capcom a’int fooling no one, the T-vaccine is weed.

This would make an excellent movie. We should name it “28 Grams Later.”


80schld t1_j49e5g5 wrote

So the only bios available for the coauthors are a PhD candidate and some kid that looks the part of a stoner in a college party movie. I hope real research is being conducted on cannabis because the majority of these headline grabbing papers leads people to believe that cannabis cures it all. These papers are great for the industry which is trying to sell you something, but does nothing for medicine. From my understanding is that there is so much diversity within strains of cannabis plants, that you really can’t generalize findings for all CBD because the concentrations and the types of canabinoids you find in one plant, you may not find in another… and production/extraction methods I am sure are also a factor.


DeepCompote t1_j46jqid wrote

How many doobies to fix a cut? Or do I have to rub the flower directly on the wound?


SimbaOnSteroids t1_j479qvb wrote

2 joints in the morning, 2 joints at night; and this is the crucial part, you have to smoke 2 joints before you smoke 2 joints, and then smoke 2 more.


garden-girl t1_j46na3c wrote

I usually infuse it in coconut oil as I'm not allergic. I've also infused shea butter, hemp seed oil, olive oil, and emu oil. Which, I then used in various lotion recipes. I like to do one ounce of flower to one cup of oil.

I get cellulitis on my nose quite often. If I start using my infused lotion at the first tingle. I can usually avoid antibiotics.

I also make it for my friend that is in a wheelchair. She gets wounds on her legs that do not want to heal. Her doctor was amazed at how well the infused lotions worked for healing. I'm still impressed at how well it works.


LessThanLoquacious t1_j46s5ji wrote

I do this too. I make a rejuvenating oil-based skin "lotion" with an infused coconut oil, a tiny splash of olive oil, shea butter, beeswax, and a drop or two of essential oils to make them smell good.

Works absolute wonders for my hands during the winter when they dry out and crack like crazy. I use it on all kinds of cuts and scrapes too. It also helps take away the itching feeling of wound healing. I don't have any evidence on if it helps increase the speed of the healing process, but it definitely helps relieve the pain I get from dry, cracked skin. And the oils help to rehydrate and get rid of the issue.


garden-girl t1_j48td3x wrote

A lady that works with my sister swears by it for arthritis in her hands. She insists it's better than tiger balm.


Hanflander t1_j47a88o wrote

Many of the minor cannabinoids such as CBG/ CBC as well as the major CB’s (CBD/THC) are anti-microbial by themselves.

They are also powerful antioxidants to boot.


Binsky89 t1_j47fna4 wrote

Just anecdotal, I know, but I used D8 THC after my shoulder surgery and recovered about 2x faster than my doctor originally expected. I only had to go to like 6 PT appointments before I was told I didn't need it anymore.

I'm sure that some of that was because I was in shape prior to the surgery, but at least the pain relief contributed to me doing my PT homework to a greater degree than if I hadn't been using THC.

I also only needed opiates for 4 days post surgery.


BattingNinth t1_j49teas wrote

Headline is misleading. Wound healing is a clinical outcome and this is not clinical research. This is lab research that may or may not translate into benefit in the real world.


TheRealBlerb t1_j4a0pjx wrote

Just beware of high concentrations of THC and it’s effects on mental health, bodily regulatory processes, etc. (as proven through funded research). Should be saved for those who have severe pains and diseases/physical disorders.


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Gabatos t1_j4737ya wrote

It's interesting how science and researchers have largely switched from focusing on the applications of specifically CBD on its own to THC and CBD in combination.


speed5528 t1_j488yia wrote

Very anecdotal but I took so much cbd after I had an ankle trimalleolar fracture and my doctors said it was one of the fastest healing fractures he’s ever seen.


silver_sofa t1_j48x6mo wrote

“Take two bong hits and call me in the morning.”


unique_passive t1_j49ghu8 wrote

Wolverine’s healing factor would make him a very different person


mind_the_umlaut t1_j48zch5 wrote

TL/DR applied locally to the wound, or taken internally?