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chewie8291 t1_j31vu18 wrote

You know what is worse than dead bats? A dead planet. We have to do things immediately and better than before has to be good enough. We have to move in stages. There is no one cure.


Uptown-Dog t1_j327c5h wrote

Additionally, we can take steps to find places to put the turbines that minimize the impact on the local fauna, and in some instances, on a case by case basis, establish new habitats for them.


TerpenesByMS t1_j33fcop wrote

The answer is in smart deployment. If we put 1,000,000 wind turbines on a grid across the whole planet, we would make less electricity than putting them in clusters where conditions are most favorable. This describes how flying fauna might be impacted by modern wind turbine installations, and so adds one more factor to favorable conditions.

Another way to address this is to get the rotor tips higher off the ground.


Zhuul t1_j331h6l wrote

The phrase “BUT SOMETIMES” is such a pox upon human progress. Any change will bring about unforeseen problems, we can solve them as they crop up. Any solution being implemented is not the final version of its concept, we will adapt as we go.


Hob_O_Rarison t1_j35p924 wrote

Is this zero-sum though? Are we forced to choose between renewables or bats?

I don't think that's the case. There are other sources of renewable, and ways to mitigate the negative externalities of windmills.