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jawshoeaw t1_j0oojb6 wrote

What’s confusing is that the brain doesn’t need insulin to use sugar. And yet insulin is an important hormone in the brain


Pr0gr3s t1_j0ph8te wrote

This is an old and thoroughly disproven concept that wont seem to die. The brain is absolutely responsive to insulin. GLUT4 is highly expressed in some parts of the brain and requires insulin binding to translocate from storage vehicles to the plasma membrane. Hippocampal memory gets a lot of focus in this regard, which dovetails into Alzheimer's.


Ferris440 t1_j0p5a92 wrote

Yes that was my understanding as well - it uses a different GLUT channel or something like that.

I’d love to know if anyone who understands this area can comment re: the paper.


Pr0gr3s t1_j0piyww wrote

See my comment above, but you're thinking of GLUT4.