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Glittering_Cow945 t1_j0iaxet wrote

Big surprise: Elephants know what they like to eat and they know where to find it, so they take the shortest route there... Who'd a thunk it? It's what I would have expected all along...


readzalot1 t1_j0lh099 wrote

That is obviously not the only thing they found out in the study. Did we also know what those plants were and that the bull groups had different preferences from the family groups? It is easy to make fun of things to make ourselves feel superior. But elephants are dying off and we need to know as much as possible to make use of the habitat that is still available to them


throcksquirp t1_j0jw09l wrote

It’s not real science until taxpayers have given millions to a group of grad students for documenting the obvious.