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Songmuddywater t1_ize2gi7 wrote

Sorry, I'm not doing research on how doctors treat women in every country on the planet. But, think it's safe to say that this is probably a global issue.

Remember Sweden is a country that will punish a woman more severely who uses pepper spray to fight off a rapist then they will the rapist. The government of Sweden seriously hates women. One can only assume that the medical establishment hates women as well.


Kenail_Rintoon t1_ized908 wrote

No. Using pepper spray (weapons violation) would be a small fine. Rape sentencing has mandatory prison time.


Songmuddywater t1_izedh88 wrote

You flood your nation with people from cultures who believe that any woman they see, they have a right to rape. Then you arrested fine teenagers for not wanting to be raped. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself how much your culture hates women.


Cypher1492 t1_izefbn7 wrote

TIL Denmark and Sweden are the same country.

Seriously, do you even read the links you're posting?


Kenail_Rintoon t1_izeiezj wrote

First of all, she carried and used an illegal weapon. Of course she would be prosecutors but using it on self defence would be an extenuating circumstance.

Secondly this was in Denmark, a completely different country. A country that has had a restrictive immigration policy for years I might add.



Songmuddywater t1_izfaeed wrote

And you just said that a teenage girl should be prosecuted for using pepper spray to stop a rapist. At this point it doesn't matter where you are from or where the story is from. You just said that a child should go to jail for not being raped. You are a perfect example of why Sweden hates women!! You went to import as many people as you can who hate women and believe that a woman walking on the street is acting to be raped. Then you want to put women in jail for fighting back.

Sweden hates women. Prove me wrong.


Kenail_Rintoon t1_izfd6ky wrote

Again, try to read what I'm writing. She will get a small fine for "minor weapons violation". If it's anything like Sweden a 17 year old would get maybe a 150$ fine. It also has nothing to do with defending herself. If she had used it unprovoked there would be assault with a weapon charges but since it was in self defence there won't be any charges for that. I have no idea why she was arrested as normal procedure would have been to just call her parents to come get her.

I already proved that Sweden doesn't hate women . On the other hand you should cool it with the blatant racism. Calling every immigrant a rapist is not only wrong but incredibly racist.