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Complex_Construction t1_iyzn992 wrote

Are we already at the point of no return or is there a possibility to reverse the damage?


HamTMan t1_iyzs5eo wrote

I suspect we are and I also suspect our leaders are fully aware of this fact, which is why you are seeing minimal effort being paid to addressing the climate catastrophe we are certain to face.


No-Satisfaction3455 t1_iz0ta7l wrote

yeah we crossed the threshold a bit ago. the scientists are waiting for us to look up and pay attention.

self immolation wasn't for nothing.


TinyBurbz t1_iz3o2dt wrote

>According to some of Bruce's friends and neighbors, he often had
difficulty making decisions as a result of his traumatic brain injury;
two described him to The Independent as "suggestible"

Bruce was not a climate scientist.


Hill_man_man t1_iz0wloe wrote

We are at the point of limit more damage. Just cuz our hand is in the fire, doesn't mean we should keep it there until it chars.


Tearakan t1_iz0x7uc wrote

Point of no return. Question is what kind of civilization will survive the coming horrible events.

I'm fully expecting the worst famine that humanity has ever encountered in the next decade.

We had issues with farming just this last year in most of the main food growing regions. And it was a tame year compared to what's coming.


Splenda t1_iz1pe3t wrote

Every day effectively brings a new point of no return, given that reversing ice loss will take centuries. All we can do is to stop making this mess worse.


pyrrhios t1_iz22g6g wrote

We passed that a while ago. We are now in mitigation phase. I'm sure reversal is possible eventually, but we're a ways away from that one.


marketrent OP t1_iyzlky6 wrote


>In a new study published today [5 December 2022] in the European Geosciences Union journal The Cryosphere, an international team of scientists synthesized multisource data from 2001 to 2018 to explore the spatiotemporal variations of both surface and basal melt/freeze onsets and uncover the mechanism behind them.

>These findings could improve our understanding of changes in the atmosphere–ice–ocean system and the mass balance of sea ice in a changing Arctic.

>“Thinner ice thickness and thinner snow cover favors earlier basal freeze onset. The ocean plays a cross-seasonal role in regulating the growth or decay of sea ice,” explains lead author Long Lin from the Polar Research Institute of China.


>The researchers found that the overall average basal freeze onset of Arctic multiyear ice was almost 3 months later than the surface.

>According to Lin, although thinner ice generally experiences a longer freezing season, the total ice growth still cannot offset the sea ice loss in summer.

>“From another point of view, the self-regulation of the Arctic sea ice-ocean system will delay the loss of Arctic sea ice.”

>These results present the first complete picture of Arctic sea ice freeze-thaw cycle, and its coupling with atmosphere atop and ocean underlying.

>It also highlights the importance of synchronous comprehensive monitoring of air-ice-ocean system, which helps explain the physical nature of the coupling process.

The Cryosphere, 2022. DOI 10.5194/tc-16-4779-2022


mgill2500 t1_iz02d3w wrote

I'm dumb. Is this saying that its always a net loss of ice? And if so, what does that actually mean? Are we fucked, is Florida going to drown?


Tearakan t1_iz0xczm wrote

Yep. To pretty much every question. The only question now is when.


Brewe t1_iz15f4c wrote

That title make it sound like we've actually made an effort to reduce climate change.


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Songmuddywater t1_iz10waz wrote

It's amazing how gullible people are.


pyrrhios t1_iz22mvd wrote

I know, right? The fact that we completely failed to enact any real policy to prevent this is an excellent demonstration of how well propaganda works.


woadles t1_iz2abbi wrote

Wasn't there an ice age like 12 thousand years ago?


Strazdas1 t1_iz4cbqe wrote

It took 89 000 years to melt. We are doing it in just a bit over 100.


woadles t1_iz57mtx wrote

Yeah but I mean that means people survived it, right? Isn't that why there's all this contest about how old humans really are and what ancient history looks like because it turns out there almost had to be advanced civilizations during the ice age?


cdav3435 t1_iz5kilx wrote

“Humankind” survived, but odds are pretty good that you, me, and the next guy specifically won’t.


Songmuddywater t1_iz2tm8j wrote

20 years ago you would have been screaming about the hole in the ozone. People were apocalyptic about the hole in the ozone. I guarantee you in 10 years you won't be having a conversation about global warming.

They control you with fear and obviously doctored fake science.


shepard1001 t1_iz3j07q wrote

Back when we took care of our problems, we banned ozone-depleting substances, averting disaster. Now we've let the power of corporations go unchecked, and they bought your opinion.


Strazdas1 t1_iz4cdzo wrote

you do realize that the hole in ozone was real and had we not pretty much imposed capitall punishment on anyone using aerosols that caused it you would be dead now, right?


DrunkenSealPup t1_iz1rajq wrote

Well if you know everything why don't you fix all the worlds problems for us?