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alabasterwilliams t1_irr6kbq wrote

Is water becoming a trigger word?

Water. People like being near water. Almost like it’s a necessary human requirement.


Snuggoth t1_irr8nx0 wrote

Dunno, just something weird about a company called BlueHealth spearheading a study that seeks to emphasize blue spaces on the heels of those finding results in green spaces. It's neat, but it does make you wonder about it a little.


moosethrow1 t1_irrkg35 wrote

Reddit might as well just start up it's own first party click farm or just accept money directly to market whoever's business.

Same with universities. They're not going to deny free money, there are just too many people involved in a big institution that will use/want that money.

Dunno why I still come to these big subreddits while knowing i'm just going to be marketed at. I think part of it is because I enjoy reading comments, but even comments and users/bots are being bought.


left_foot_braker t1_irs25gi wrote

If you’re anything like me, you come to the big subreddits to know how what the internet-engaged part of the collective consciousness is thinking, is aware of and what they are paying attention to. Reddit is a great aggregator for the types of people and opinions you’ll see when you venture out into the real world and gives you tremendous insight into how and what people think. This is especially useful in the current era where people in the real world are largely still obscuring just what parts of the internet they are engaged with.


TrespassersWilliamTW t1_irv0rf2 wrote

yes, exactly. When people cry out, "WE GOT WEIGHTS IN FISH" You don't want want to be the only one at the party who doesn't give a tired chuckle.


Cosmic_fault t1_irstmj2 wrote

> Reddit might as well just start up it's own first party click farm

Okay, what exactly do you think reddit is


Mr_Zaroc t1_irrbu5a wrote

I havent heard the term blue space before

I get that you call a greenspace greenspace, it could be many things like gardens, yards, forests, etc. but water is just, water


vainamo- t1_irrftyn wrote

Same. I thought maybe they meant places with water OR places with open sky?


AstonMartinZ t1_irrg2lu wrote

Closed sky places are just buildings


Makal t1_irriqry wrote

Here I was assuming from the headline they meant Blue Zones, places where people have higher longevity.


Rpanich t1_irrwpyh wrote

I mean, homosapiens have existed for 300,000 years, and we only started settling a down, farming, and living in cities 5000 years ago.

Maybe what’s healthiest for humans is the environment we evolved in for 98.5% of our existence: eating a varied diet, getting lots of light cardio, and being around lots of water, plants, and sunlight?


Mr_Zaroc t1_irsamiu wrote

Nah I am with you, I really dislike big cities
Just the term blue space seems unnecessarily abstract


ashkestar t1_irsfbpz wrote

I mean, it does differentiate between natural water environments and manmade ones. You could put that another way, but given the wide acceptance of “green space,” it does kinda work.


Rpanich t1_irsayjq wrote

Oh I think it might just be that: water and the sky.

I don’t think it’s necessarily just children: working in an office with a window is far better than an office without a window.

If that window looks at the sky, the ocean, a forest, a field, a mountain, I imagine those things are all good “green” and/ or “blue” spaces.

If that window faces a brick wall, I bet it would be bad.

But I think the thing might be is that if they painted the brick wall blue or green, it might have the same partial benefit.


Landonian t1_irsukji wrote

i don't know what you're on about. this study isn't about the color blue. it's about water. maybe read the article just a bit


Rpanich t1_irsy4vw wrote

I know, I’m just trying to explain how colour theory is used; for example when we learned about green spaces, and we decided to paint a bunch of hospitals green and have doctors wear green scrubs, and we found that the benefits carry over.

I’m just trying to venture a guess that perhaps, in the same way the colour “green” might be connected with “green spaces”, the colour “blue” might have the same benefits, as “blue spaces” effects sound very similar to “green space” benefits, and I was only offering a evolutionary hypothesis as to why.


hazpat t1_irsb28k wrote

Are you saying going to a pool is the same as a creek, river, lake, pond, beach, harbor, ocean?


Daisend t1_irrkwjt wrote

I was so confused by “blue spaces” I didn’t think it was controversial to say ocean. I was picturing maybe like giant blue rooms.

I did grow up by the beach and also a small forest by my house. I adore going out on hikes. I just assume people who grow up near nature like to be near it as adults as well


GaimanitePkat t1_irsf7fb wrote

I mean, if they mean that ANY space with water is beneficial, I understand the need for shorthand. Ocean, pond, lake, river, stream, bay.


[deleted] t1_irrjvqu wrote



seehp t1_irrllfs wrote

It is total buzzword bulshit. Probably trademarked or already lined up in a fat ad campaign pipeline.


[deleted] t1_irrmrxe wrote



Glum_Ad_4288 t1_irrq6u2 wrote

To be fair, they did define it in the first sentence: “coastal and inland waters, such as rivers and lakes (also known collectively as blue spaces)”


seehp t1_irrmvgm wrote

I think it is more framing for a big ad push...


hazpat t1_irsbdfm wrote

Very first sentence in the article >New research based on data from 18 countries concludes that adults with better mental health are more likely to report having spent time playing in and around coastal and inland waters, such as rivers and lakes (also known collectively as blue spaces) as children. 


Nkechinyerembi t1_irsdr57 wrote

Hey now, i was born and raised in the middle of nowhere in Southeast Illinois and I've never even been swimming before, and I turned out fine!

No. I didn't. I did not turn out fine. Send help.


Blue_Swirling_Bunny t1_irrleol wrote

Or sky. I didn't grow up near water, but fields and farms. Blue spaces for me mean sky, water being secondary.


Glum_Ad_4288 t1_irrs5kh wrote

The word for “under the sky” is “outdoors,” or perhaps “outdoors on a sunny day.”

This study is specifically about being near bodies of water.


[deleted] t1_irrtlml wrote



Glum_Ad_4288 t1_irryxu6 wrote

Oh I agree, “blue space” is a stupid term. I’m just saying they do define it, and their definition is “near an ocean or inland body of water.”


Blue_Swirling_Bunny t1_iru15nu wrote

That's weird because the lakes and rivers I've seen are green or brown, not blue.


cloneketsuji t1_irrugox wrote

Here I was thinking this was another media led trigger to get parents to buy blue paint for all the walls in their houses.


SnowyNW t1_irs94yx wrote

I immediately thought about all my time staring at the sky


thecatscatch t1_irsvfmz wrote

It’s a industry/planning term. It covers spaces which has a water (often drainage criteria). Water is too of a broad term as it can also suggest potable water which is about pipe networks. This where it gets fun, lots of new stuff described as blue-green infrastructure which is a growing hybrid field. Like instead of a concrete storm channel, the same system can made via a constructed methods as a naturalised “green” channel so it is essentially a man-made creek. So we would now call this blue-green infrastructure. Then the information in this article would be used as supporting information on why we should build human interaction points on a piece of blue-green infrastructure to make it now a community amenity when previously it would have just have been an infrastructure solution.


sirtalen t1_irryug6 wrote

I was wondering what the hell a blue space was


congenitally_deadpan t1_irs9xm9 wrote

Seems like the term "trigger word" itself is undergoing a transition.

Don't think it is a "trigger word" issue, it is just that someone likely felt that "blue space" sound so very up to date, 21st century, maybe even woke.


minehammerwarcraft t1_irtgii6 wrote

we gotta protect the sensitive babies on reddit. you know having water is a privilege right? and that flaunting access to water is insensitive to people who don't have it? how dare you.


bandalooper t1_irradvj wrote

Sounds like you’re the one triggered here. Greenspace is pretty common to describe many different land environs, so what’s wrong with bluespace?


alabasterwilliams t1_irrbxg2 wrote

I’m triggered by the continuing blue spacing down of our language to further buzzword psychology.


Antnee83 t1_irrlp8s wrote

Normalize the process of not speaking like an HR manager in casual human interactions!


seehp t1_irrlqfi wrote

Never heard it before. So, in which circles is it being routinely used?