Submitted by yourdadisthemilkman t3_ylgnb8 in rva

Is it legal more motorcycles to ride between cars in 2 different lanes at a stop light, so they can get to the front of the cars? I’m seeing it more and more now, especially on Huguenot Rd near the Chippenham entrance.



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lunar_unit t1_iuyauki wrote

That's called lane filtering, and it's currently not legal in Virginia:

>In Virginia, two motorcyclists can ride side-by-side in the same lane. However, lane filtering, or the practice of riding a motorcycle between two lanes of stopped traffic, is prohibited. As of February 2022, lawmakers are considering creating a bill to permit lane filtering, but until then, this practice is illegal.Jul 22, 2022,then%2C%20this%20practice%20is%20illegal.


RVAblues t1_iuz8w4b wrote

Frustrating thing is, the bill might have a chance of it made it to the floor, but it gets killed in committee every year.

Local delegate Betsy Carr is on the transpo committee. Email her, tell her you’re a Richmonder, and ask her to vote for the bill to allow motorcycle filtering.


lostmy2A t1_iv141lp wrote

The most informative comment getting down voted by the fuckers who drive SUVs and want everyone to be stuck in traffic when they are too.


wtfareyounow t1_iuyf09e wrote

Lane splitting is illegal in Virginia. Funny how wrong the law is. It is much safer to remain between cars.


sleevieb t1_iuygawb wrote

This is filtering not lane splitting.


wtfareyounow t1_iuygopp wrote

Not sure what the difference is. In California I la e split for 15 years doing exactly that. What is filtering?


notrealbutreally175 t1_iuyhr80 wrote

Lane splitting is done at high speed (15+ mph). Lane filtering is done at low speeds (<15 mph). California is the only state that allows lane splitting. There’s a few that allow lane filtering which is what this post is talking about. But yeah, not legal in VA. I wish


sleevieb t1_iuyibgf wrote

I think Utah recently legalized splitting, maybe idaho? Like 3 or 4 years ago. I knew an AMA guy spearheading it.


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuyjm2k wrote

I have seen so many CA bikers almost meet an untimely demise splitting lanes on the roads between Marin and Santa Cruz. I never knew it was a legal move.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iuylbew wrote

It's actually safer when not abused by the motorcycle and the car drivers are generally educated that motorcycles are allowed to do it, so they watch for it. It's legal in most of the EU and dare I say rest of the world.

Motorcycles accelerate faster from a stop, so rather than be stuck behind cars that can kill them, they can get away from them.


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuyv2hl wrote

Nice theory, at least. Having seen a sampling of them, driving conditions “in the rest of the world” are not my dream for the roads I share.


ZephyrInfernum t1_iuyyfoq wrote

Really? Because driving in the EU was a dream to me. The drivers there are much better than ours, if for no other reason than the greater requirements to attain a license.


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuz1hq4 wrote

I was talking about the rest of the rest of the world, generally, where lane splitting is the de facto law and chaos reigns. I’d be happy if we drove like Germans or, hell, even Brits.


PopBopMopCop t1_iuyv203 wrote

UC Berkeley did an interesting study on the safety of lane splitting a few years ago


twelvesteprevenge t1_iuz5sd2 wrote

“Can be” “relatively” safe if not done over 50 and not exceeding 15mph over the speed of general traffic. These are not the conditions under which I have witnessed most lane splitting.


kneel_yung t1_iuyhlan wrote

filtering is when traffic is stopped at red lights.

splitting is when traffic is moving.

California is the only state that allows lane splitting

its illegal because it pisses off drivers who are stuck in traffic and who dont want anyone else to be happy


sleevieb t1_iuyigh0 wrote

Splitting is passing slow traffic.

Filtering is passing stopped cars.


lunar_unit t1_iuyhqpr wrote

Lane splitting” refers to the practice of riding a motorcycle between clearly marked lanes for traffic traveling in the same direction. “Filtering”refers to the practice of riding a motorcycle between stopped motor vehicles to the front of the pack, typically at a signalized intersection.

Both are currently illegal in VA,traveling%20in%20the%20same%20direction.&text=%E2%80%9CFiltering%E2%80%9Drefers%20to%20the%20practice,typically%20at%20a%20signalized%20intersection.


PopBopMopCop t1_iuyvvok wrote

It is not legal in Virginia (and most other states), but it is legal in Utah


jodyhighrola t1_iv0rijp wrote

Nothing is enforced out there, so this is all moot. Fury Road times are upon us... filter away.


WEINER_SCHLAP t1_iv1fw0l wrote

A couple of Notes:

It is not legal in VA as stated by others.

It is not about getting to the front. It is far safer for motorcycles to filter between cars that are stopped than to remain in line. Bikes are often overlooked and rear-endings happen frequently. I personally know 3 people who have been rear ended on a bike in this manner. They all filter illegally now because fuck getting hit by cars when you are on a bike, save for the one who cant walk anymore because a 25yo was too busy looking at snapchat and not the road.

It reduces congestion - even small bikes (150CC) accelerate faster than most cars on the road are able. They are clear of traffic and no longer part of traffic by utilizing the empty space and quick acceleration.

Many cops also ride and are not likely to pull over a bike for filtering safely. The remainder are not likely to pursue a bike due to the assumption that the biker will run. It is not hard to lose the cops on a bike.


WontArnett t1_iuyou16 wrote

Don’t you know, Motorcyclists are badass lawbreakers!



C-C-Top t1_iuyoxay wrote

as if anyone on any kind of cycle cares about the rules of the road. I wish they'd get close enough for me to open my door real quick and knock them over.


RVAblues t1_iuz8dqc wrote

So…you want to murder people for traffic infractions?

I am a cyclist and a motorcyclist and I care a great deal about the rules of the road. I wish I could say the same for car, SUV, and truck drivers weaving bc they’re texting, failing to use their turn signals, going slow in the passing lane, driving in the rain without headlights, following too close, and the hundreds of other outright dangerous things I see drivers do just about every time I ride.

Be careful about using broad stokes to paint a class of people. You’re wrong more than you’re right.


C-C-Top t1_iuz8npu wrote



¹not meant to be taken seriously or literally



RVAblues t1_iuz9coo wrote

Yeah, but that general attitude does nothing but encourage the already reckless behavior out on the roads these days. As a potential victim of your threat, facetious or not, it comes off as very insensitive and not at all humorous.

You might be kidding, but a lot of folks out there aren’t.


C-C-Top t1_iuz9l73 wrote

do you sound like this all the time?


RVAblues t1_iuzaag1 wrote

When it comes to my life, yes.

Seriously—any motorcyclist will tell you that even on a good day, it takes 2 hands to count the number of times some driver came within inches of killing you—often without even knowing it. It’s getting worse every year, too. Add to that the growing road rage and overall hostility people have behind the wheel and road safety becomes a very serious subject.

As it should be, by the way.

Do you make “facetious” comments about school shootings or yell fire in the theater when you’re not threatening to door slam cyclists on Reddit?


C-C-Top t1_iuzcs00 wrote

oh my god, more paragraphs? it is a single goddamn sentence i typed out without really even thinking about it that much. if you are taking every single comment like this you see that personally you are going to age yourself to death before you hit 37. You Are A Drain. I am so fucking sorry i get pissed off at cyclists sometimes.


RVAblues t1_iuzd5rl wrote

Okay, here’s the short version: don’t be a douche. Think before you type.


_R_A_ t1_iuz3xkd wrote

I invite you to try that to a motorcycle. Let us know how that goes.