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geneb0322 t1_isjc9xm wrote

I don't think I have ever met someone who actually likes candy apples. The theory is great and all but the execution is lacking. They're so difficult to eat.


nightopian t1_isjpmyj wrote

Key is to cut up any apple and it is 100% easier to eat.


FiveTicketRide t1_isjgnj5 wrote

I’ve loved them my whole life but now that I have expensive dental work I bring them home, cut them up and eat them a tiny nibble at a time


geneb0322 t1_isjmt9o wrote

I tend to cut up apples anyway... Had one too many buggy apples to be eating them out of hand anymore.


ManBMitt t1_islnav6 wrote

The key is realizing that the stick is there to make it easier to dip the apples, not to eat them.