Submitted by localheroism t3_11edov0 in rva

I know we're still in winter, but just looking ahead. I tried to search if the question has already been asked but the responses are either several years out of date or specifically centered around the pandemic.

Also, bonus question: what would the closest (but still good) farmer's market to Church Hill be to go to this coming season?



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McFlare92 t1_jadcs5r wrote

Bryan park farmers market Saturday mornings is the best one IMO


localheroism OP t1_jadd7uz wrote

I had seen that one mentioned, I'll have to check it out. Tbh I had hoped to avoid 95 as much as I could (I know I could go through the city too) but it sounds like it may be worth it


geekitude t1_jadfu6c wrote

For different types of CSAs, depending on what you're focused on, some people get a meat/eggs one at one farm veggies/greens at another and baked/canned goods at another. Most producers have some type of option. I like St Stephen's market on saturdays because it's laid out like a village, parking and access are easy, it's almost all food, and they went to a lot of trouble keeping everyone safe. Booths are still more than 6ft apart.Some local CSAs available there or at the Birdhouse market on Tuesdays: Broadfork Farm, TomTen Farm, Shirefolk Farm, Crumptown Farm, Amy's Organic.

Edit to add another resource: Some of these are listed on St Stephen's weekly market vendors page:


painedperdu t1_jadm53i wrote

Yes, I used them last year and it was great! Anything additional is 15% off as well. I went with the farmer's select half size option last year and again this year. They also have a "people's choice" option which is essentially a gift card to use anywhere they set up shop for 15% as well.


trailflowerside t1_jadv19n wrote

Hi I’m interested in this too! I looked at the website and was a little confused, so the “people’s choice” is just a down payment to get 15% off? Or do you get to choose a number of produce depending on your size csa?


NlGHTCHEESE t1_jae0jd3 wrote

I started getting a CSA from Farmbus a few weeks ago and have really loved it. They have multiple pick up locations around the city or you can do delivery. I’m not sure what your budget is/what you would consider affordable, but I feel like we always get way more than we would at the grocery store for the same price. The fruit/veggie only option is something like $45ish a share and we get a ton of stuff. Their instagram will post on Wednesday what would be included if you got an order, so you can get an idea of what is included.

Their website has the option of doing a one time order of any of their options (produce, meat, dairy, bread, etc), so you can see if it’s what you’re looking for. Only downside is their website formatting is rough to navigate.


muddyhands78 t1_jae9igi wrote

I did CSA from Amy’s Garden for 2 years and it was great. They do weekly pickup at Birdhouse Market every Tuesday and they have a lovely flower add-on. Not sure how their prices compare to others mentioned here though! Btw, Birdhouse is a very sweet midweek market without the parking issues and crowds of Bryan park (also a little closer to Church Hill!).


thistle_undone t1_jaepvu6 wrote

I use Shine as well, came here to say I really like them. I've used them the past two years, I did a full share my first year and a half share this past year.

This year I'm trying the people's choice for the first time, since I travel for work a lot and wouldn't be able to pick up a box every week. I was always pretty happy with the mix in my box, and enjoyed the discount if I wanted to supplement anything.