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grissy t1_j6p7bdv wrote

>He said that we are in a financial mess because of me.

No. First of all, you going to school to get a degree to get a better job is not "a financial mess," it's you taking the necessary steps now to have a better life later. You're still bringing in the vast majority of the money and you're still paying the vast majority of the bills.

Meanwhile, he's working 4 goddamned hours a day and pulling in sub-minimum-wage to contribute to the household, sponging off his dad (and you!) and actively turning down better paying jobs because he's lazy. This is your financial mess. It has a name, and it's whatever your boyfriend's name is.

>He said he was too good for that.

This is an inexcusable attitude. You do what you have to do to make ends meet. He's apparently also too good to pay his rent, feed himself, you, his dog, or pay for the vet for his dog. You know why he feels like he's too good for those things? Because you're doing them for him so he doesn't HAVE to do them.

> I’m going back for my BSN and he says that he can’t make his next move in his career until I’m done.

This makes zero sense and is clearly just an excuse to stall. Once you have your BSN and a better job his new excuse will be "you make plenty of money for both of us, why should I work" and he'll probably try to cut his hours down to 2 a day or 'retire' completely.

>Should I have not said anything and try my best to support him?

No, you should have said something a LONG time ago and you're supporting him way too much. Look at this list again:

>Im covering his portion of rent and his car payment most months. He only has those 2 bills to pay for. I pay for all the groceries, any necessities, the dog food, and the vet bills for his dog that he had before us.

You doing these things is what is allowing him to be a freeloading parasite. You need to stop.

Tell him that since the "financial mess" is apparently all your fault you'll be devoting your extra income to fixing it, i.e. paying off your student loan debts. From this moment forward you'll pay YOUR half of the rent, YOUR half of the food, YOUR half of the utilities, and half the costs for the dog; the rest will go towards paying down your debt that he finds so horrible.

If he wants to eat and have a place to live he'll have to get off his lazy entitled ass and get a real job.