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ThrowRA_tireddad22 OP t1_j2f9u9p wrote

Absolutely true. I know this is not the same. And I am not even asking for equal time. Yesterday, for example. I took care of our daughter from 7am-3:30,she wakes from her nap at 4. (I take care of our daughter all night as well and have the baby monitor up on my side of the bed although she has been an incredible sleeper and isn’t usually waking up all night). During the time I watched her I washed and changed the sheets, did multiple loads of dishes and cooked two chickens for chicken soup im making today. I also went through our daughters closet and took out all the clothes that don’t fit her, changed her sheets and did her laundry. Then last night we got into this fight because she said she never got any time to herself and I don’t know what else to do for her. She spent the morning sleeping in, going to her favorite coffee shop and working in her studio. So I said “wait, I thought you had most of today off?”. I said I needed to understand her expectations so I can meet them and I couldn’t just write her a blank check. I told her I need a break too and we need to find a way we can both recharge. I’m perfectly fine with taking the majority of responsibility with our daughter especially over the break. But I’m not ok having someone tell me my needs don’t matter and that as long as she’s a sahm they never will.

As far as naps.Our daughter has two naps usually a total of 3- 3.5 hours between 8:30-5. I’m not really sure what she does during those naps. I know she sometimes takes a nap while the baby is down but I usually make dinner and the baby usually eats leftovers.


trilliumsummer t1_j2finag wrote

Oh yea, her saying your needs don’t matter is not cool especially since you’re trying while she isn’t reciprocating. It was just unclear from your original post if either of you were getting your own time. And it sounds like she’s getting time, but you’re not. What did she reply when you pointed out that she went to coffee and worked in her studio for most of the day? It seems like something is off if she’s saying she’s not having any time to herself when she literally got hours that day by herself. Would she do something similar before the baby? Like you spend most of the day with her, but then she argues that you never spend time with her? Or is it something new since having the baby? Trying to figure out if her less firm grasp of reality is a long term thing and just wasn’t as big of an issue pre baby or if it’s something that started from the baby.
