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yowen2000 t1_jegu01p wrote

> Other than this my friends are pretty good people

I have a hard time believing this if they use the tiniest reasons to not tip very hard-working service staff. I mean, this alone makes them by definition bad people, full stop.

Advice? Tell them you will no longer go out with them. That's what I'd do, I would not be able to be associated with that, it's so insanely disrespectful of someone that relies on you, especially larger parties, to pay their damn rent. And you're a damn saint for covering the difference, you should stop though, this isn't your responsibility.

Almost all problems servers have are not their fault, they are usually just the "messenger":

  • they aren't responsible for bad food
  • they aren't responsible for food that is late
  • they aren't responsible for bad management

I find it's quite rare that i can attribute a problem in a restaurant to a server


hiphopbulldozer OP t1_jegv0z4 wrote

Yeah I try to explain the last bit to them, that things aren’t usually the server’s fault. But they don’t care.


yowen2000 t1_jegvm8e wrote

It's because they don't really have a valid reason, they are just being cheap.