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GoxBoxSocks t1_iu1u8az wrote

Finally, something to live for.


werewolfmanjack t1_iu2dwqe wrote

Imagine the sheer amount of meet-cutes this will create. Providence population is primed to double.


BigInRI t1_iu18asx wrote

Parking is apparently underground.


demo_matthews t1_iu1tuvm wrote

Seems like a parking nightmare over there forNov 3. If you donā€™t have to drive there I think that spot will be really neat when the whole development is done


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_iu2xo05 wrote

> Seems like a parking nightmare over there forNov 3. If you donā€™t have to drive there I think that spot will be really neat when the whole development is done

Hoping there are sidewalk entrances and enough bike and scooter racks.


TimeSlipperWHOOPS t1_iu1w7c7 wrote

Are either of those buildings parking? If not it's always going to be a fucking nightmare for anyone who drives.


allhailthehale t1_iu21ap8 wrote

There is parking included for Trader Joe's, I think two levels of garage space. Not exactly sure of the layout but I know it was part of the construction.


TimeSlipperWHOOPS t1_iu22e2n wrote

Fucking phew. I might actually be able to shop there, now! Warren is like 20 minutes away who the fuck has time to drive that far?


RhinoMan2112 t1_iu2fb5c wrote

for real that's like an hour and a half in Rhode Island Time


FlashbackBob t1_iu3tu5z wrote

The garage is not ready i think. You can park on south main or south water street, or park near Holy Ghost church and walk in


wafflesandgin t1_iu1wlz4 wrote

Parking is underground I think? I could be wrong.


MelodicLaw3689 t1_iu1yklz wrote

Thats a little terrifying lol


DeftApproximation t1_iu5bafb wrote

Itā€™s not actually ā€œundergroundā€. The area was a hill, so they built the parking garage on the grade and then the buildings on top of that.


FunLife64 t1_iu5y2a0 wrote

Regardless how is it terrifying to have underground parking? Itā€™s quite common?


FlashbackBob t1_iu3tp7i wrote

I drove by it 2 days ago on my way to work. Workers were pouring the sidewalk in front of Trader Joeā€™s. Looks like that side of the construction project is wrapping up.


Osburg t1_iu6itz6 wrote
