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ATribeCalledGreg t1_iyayhbr wrote

I’d suggesting visiting. This sub sees weekly complaints about the air quality, but I personally don’t perceive any problems with the air on air days. Don’t base this decision on anyone else’s sensitives but your own.


Karmanat0r t1_iyd2lbs wrote

Our air quality is objectively bad, regardless of how you think it smells. There’s plenty of data to back that up.


ATribeCalledGreg t1_iydadxv wrote

Being bad on a meter and being a concern are different things. If I don’t notice it then it’s not really a problem for me.


James19991 t1_iyb77qp wrote

This is the right answer. The only time I can remember ever smelling something in the air was when there was that inversion during Christmas in 2019. Other than that, I've never noticed a smell to the air unless there was a bus or truck directly nearby giving off diesel exhaust.


ApricotFast5646 t1_iyb7gu4 wrote

As a transplant, I can immediately notice if the air quality is worse on some days than others. Literally as soon as I walk outside. It is because you are used to it.


James19991 t1_iyb8ic6 wrote

I'm not sure where you live, but I'm also not in one of those spots that will get a smell or issues from the coke works.


dingurth1 t1_iybafhd wrote

As a transplant, I can say I haven't noticed worse air quality any day that I've been here despite numerous posts on this sub to the contrary (I'm in Brookline).


[deleted] t1_iybd3iv wrote



dingurth1 t1_iybog2g wrote

You might be a person with above average sensitivity. I have a friend who got choked up when they had a minor spot of mold pop up in their bathroom.

I may also be biased because I transplanted from LA so the air quality here even on bad days is an improvement to what I used to live in. Though I can't say I've seen smog in the air.


greentea1985 t1_iyd1eop wrote

I think it is down to how sensitive you are. I have allergies and asthma, so I do tend to have issues during the alerts. However, it’s only recently that there have been a lot of alerts at a frustrating level.