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Kerensky97 t1_j6fwpxc wrote

Reply to comment by SmashingK in Insane. by 13thban

I'm still wrapping my head around it. Why would they do this? How does this help the big corporations over-charge consumers?

In the US I think they would make the stickers reversed so the barcode becomes more legible as the meat goes bad so they could sell old stock before it's a loss.


Codnasty t1_j6g5hxg wrote

No they just knock 1-3$ off it and say good luck


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_j6hcrsp wrote

"people in charge" "that care for consumers" NOT "over-charge consumers"


mtcabeza2 t1_j6k78kz wrote

the lobbyists representing the meat packing interests would claim that it is a severe economic burden that will cause them to go out of business putting thousands of people out of work. call me cynical.