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Newdles t1_je84vyq wrote

I've got a cream legbar that does blue also. It's a type of cross with aruacana though. She's a turd though and always escapes the enclosure. They are known for flying everywhere and digging up your garden etc. 0/10 do not recommend.


ccwthrow t1_je9g1ix wrote

Ayyy I've got a couple CLBs coming next month. Can't wait for them to fuck up my garden too (their older sisters no doubt will show them the way)


Newdles t1_je9pk1w wrote

I'm so sorry. She's my most stubborn bird. She also lays the least. Sorry to disappoint. I'd have rather just gotten more Rhode island reds...


ccwthrow t1_je9r24q wrote

So far from disappointed! I love collecting different breeds and different Chicken-alities! So I'm excited to add more stubborn birds. (My 2 most stubborn are a Barred Rock and Oliver)