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[deleted] t1_jai1xqs wrote



ApiContraption t1_jai1xs0 wrote

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theveryrealreal t1_jajer1t wrote

Drinking? As in giraffes can inhale streams of water from 6ft away?


RiotPenguin t1_jaiuhjb wrote

I demand to know how you got this picture of me 😤


Oradi t1_jajsdmb wrote


Also why does automod delete the top level comment instead of just posting a PUT ALL COMMENTS HERE thread on all posts? I suppose it would open the door to needing a lot more modding


Easilycrazyhat t1_jakp36f wrote

If evolution is real, why can't giraffes drink out of their feet? Checkmate atheists.


062b t1_jam8dmr wrote

When I was a kid my brother taught me (falsely) that Giraffes could not bend their head below their body because their blood pressure to reach up their long neck was so insanely strong that if they dropped their neck too low their brains would explode. I for some reason took this as FACT. When I was in my 20s going to a zoo with friends we saw some giraffes and I noticed one put it's head down to drink water and screamed a little. My friends asked what the fuck and I told them my brother's "science" ... They could not stop laughing at me.


tagged2high t1_jak29nr wrote

This is the most cursed image of a giraffe I've ever seen.