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awesome_smokey t1_j98mvzy wrote


AustinLA88 t1_j9b51rb wrote

Huge missed opportunity not having a skull faceplate in these


theluckyone17 t1_j9bfgmq wrote

Are we the baddies?


onlyhav t1_j9bjqei wrote

Well, yeah. We're the bad guy to everyone we use one of these on.


onlyhav t1_j9bjxw9 wrote

I mean, yeah. We're the bad guys to everyone we nuke.


MicroMegas5150 t1_j9c69oh wrote

We are the bad guys to everyone except for ourselves when we nuke


DungeonsandDevils t1_j9c8st8 wrote

I mean isn’t that why immediately after using them we tried to enter the world into an agreement never to use them again? An agreement that Russia said “Nah” to and now everyone and their mama has nuclear potential?


Ecronwald t1_j9d12ue wrote

Soviet actually had a higher tolerance before using nukes than American.

I.e. the situation that justified using them would have to be more severe for soviet, than for USA.

A situation that would let USA use nukes, would not let soviet use nukes.


onlyhav t1_j9c6ghj wrote

I can't even argue with you there


spellyalewitha6 t1_j99bf2n wrote


ds2316476 t1_j99jw0b wrote

lol funny zorro magazine clip, weird that it's in dutch. Where'd you find that?


Quirky-Result-8753 t1_j99qvjn wrote

Wat is er raar aan Nederlands?


TheScarabcreatorTSC t1_j99tta7 wrote

Onze taal is raar.


Tharron t1_j99y9bq wrote

Het woord raar aleen al is raar


HappyCamperFTW t1_j9amsx9 wrote

En dan hebben we het nog niet eens over vreemd.


ds2316476 t1_j9dawrw wrote

I keep forgetting how ingrained sarcasm is in the Dutch culture. It borders on smarmy. Also funny note, my friends calls Dutch a "smurf language".


HappyCamperFTW t1_j9dqwmv wrote

Yeah that is true. The line between sarcasm, being insincere, and passive-aggressive can be pretty blurred. Hahaha, a smurf language. Is that because the smurfs are also pretty close to sea level? But I totally agree, I really don"t like the Dutch language tbh.


ds2316476 t1_j9dtowv wrote

A funny example, a response to not knowing an answer to a question is, "I know a lot" "Weet ik veel". It even translates in Google to I don't know haha. I like the Dutch language it's one of the only other languages I know fluently.

I'm not sure why they said that. Lol. Probably because the smurfs originated in the Netherlands.


EarlGrey_Picard t1_j9apqjo wrote

Quick someone change the top image to a grainy image of an atomic bomb going off.


WATERMEL0N-SHARK t1_j9detnc wrote

Ya know if I saw this with no context I would think that was a real pair of view masters. I think you win this battle


TonySkullz t1_j99ak6w wrote


auge2 OP t1_j9a1mmp wrote

Haha, thats exactly what I had in mind when I posted this picture :)


zamach t1_j99sdfx wrote

Ah yes, the imperial Why-fighter pilot :D


WetCoastLife t1_j9923my wrote


WATERMEL0N-SHARK t1_j9df297 wrote

Oh don’t mind Jim over there, he keeps threatening to “KiLl Us AlL OnE DaY” over that time I ate his bagel. I think he overheated the microwave or something


clunky-glunky t1_j9apzva wrote


[deleted] t1_j98kedy wrote



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trucorsair t1_j997bby wrote

They are designed to prevent the light from a nuclear blast from
reaching your retina and essentially binding you instantly. Nuclear
bombers have curtains that can be dropped to block out all the ambient
light. These goggles are used during take-off, landing, and re-fueling
where you need to use your naked eye to judge distance. At other times
the curtains are lowered and you are essentially flying on instruments.


ChristoWalsh t1_j9983ix wrote

Why would you need to protect your self from nuclear blasts on take off?


ErikTheAngry t1_j999hm6 wrote

Presumably, an enemy nation's first strike catching you with your pants down.


[deleted] t1_j9a2fjy wrote



FernwoodCheekClapper t1_j9afrbh wrote

Well, yeah, if you don’t notice until they’ve detonated on top of you, sure, but if you wait until that point there’s gonna be a lot more that is useless than just the goggles.


_YetiFTW_ t1_j9aozfv wrote

that's why they already have the mask on


salgak t1_j9a2nzw wrote

Former SAC B-52 Crewdawg here. (Electronic Warfare Officer/Navigator)

For a launch of the Alert Force, the Bombers and Tankers already fully loaded and fueled and armed (we referred to is as "cocked", as in cocking a pistol action), we were briefed to assume that we were in a race to beat the SLBMs to our bomber bases. . . The higher tensions got, the farther forward on the checklists we were, from running out from the alert facility and starting the engines, all the way up to sitting at the end of the runway with the engines going, waiting for the order. . .

So, yes, we expected nuclear explosions in the vicinity on takeoff. Even the guys in back ( EW Officer and Gunner) and the guys downstairs (Radar Navigator and Navigator) were supposed to don an eye patch as a last-ditch vision preservative. ..


mahSachel t1_j9aqwkm wrote

It’s nuts how close we came to total destruction so many times. This is why the aliens won’t come hang out and share the sweet secrets of hyper drives.


salgak t1_j9at2pa wrote

I know of several times where we were a hairs' breadth away from World War III. . . .luckily, I only experienced one of them. . . and, no, no details will be forthcoming. . . .


ok123jump t1_j9b29t6 wrote

Wow. It must be scary knowing that your plane was the harbinger of the apocalypse. If you were scrambled the world is changing forever. Who knows what would be left? If there would be something for you to return home to.


salgak t1_j9b8xf0 wrote

(resisting urge to link Tom Lehrer's 'Don't Cry Mom, I'm off to Drop the Bomb' )

We kind of assumed that we would get a sufficient radiation dose to kill us off within a month of the mission. They were all one way trips, with a supposed recovery base on the far side. None of us expected those bases to survive long enough for us to land there afterwards.

I will also note that the more cynical of us noted that there were never more than two bachelors per crew, giving a majority of the crew who had just had their wives and children nuked, and wanting revenge.


[deleted] t1_j9bbjcp wrote



blatherskate t1_j9c18eq wrote

Er... No. Large fields of missiles out west and a lot at sea, but none in cities (or towns, or villages). Unless you're talking about some other country, but even then...


ok123jump t1_j9cnrdr wrote

You’re right. I never checked my buddy, but I did check city and county records for that site he was talking about and it is some sort of underground construction - very likely not a nuclear silo though. I’m going to delete that comment.


Don138 t1_j9c462o wrote

Do you have any sources for this besides “some guy told me”

Even if they wanted to put silos in every American city to increase potential casualties, which to be clear they ABSOLUTELY don’t. They would not be above ground on a rocky outcrop...

All of our silos are in largely uninhabited areas specifically to reduce potential casualties. Places like WY, the Dakotas, MT, etc. The only design considerations involving people is that they have to be decently close to a town in order to have places for the people involved in the infrastructure to live.


ok123jump t1_j9co2e2 wrote

You’re right. I never checked my buddy, but your comment got me wondering. So I did check the city and county for permits and records of the site. It is an underground construction of some sort, but it is not federal land and almost certainly not a nuclear silo. Used to be some sort of water storage, but it was renovated in the 1970’s to something else.

I’m going to delete that comment since it is clearly incorrect. Now I wonder what else he hold me was total bullshit…


jpwanabe t1_j9992mf wrote

In case you drop the bomb too early, duh.


ChristoWalsh t1_j9996lz wrote

Haha. I feel like if you drop the bomb on take off the last of your worries is your retinas


n01saround t1_j999cvm wrote

Totes thought it was all style my sapien symbian cylindrical supercilious symbiote


NtheHouseNaheartbeat t1_j99s9fa wrote

They remind me of that dumb looking alien from starwars.


StingerAE t1_j99yeuz wrote

Yep. So much so that I immediately wonderd if his design came from this


LetMeBe_Frank t1_j9axl36 wrote

I had a dream once that I peeled my lip and the whole lip came off like this guy's face


Ben_Stro t1_j98wa8b wrote

Why did "life could be a dream" just start playing in my head?


moralpomposity t1_j994yig wrote

Somebody do the Star Wars dude! You know the one.


Poison_Ice_Blade t1_j9aj227 wrote

Can someone do the “little girl with house one fire” meme but instead of a burning house it’s a nuclear bomb.


akirbydrinks t1_j9btwbl wrote

Wouldn't you be hopefully flying AWAY from the blast? Just pull out the ole' Safety Squint.


the_russian_narwhal_ t1_j99cd3h wrote

How has nobody put this on ghost from the new modern warfare series to make him look even more ridiculous


nrreiger t1_j9a9o0m wrote

Because he looks stupid enough, with that artificial overbite.