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Viceroy1994 t1_j5nqrvd wrote

Absolutely no, there's no justification for initiating violence on a person, let alone a group of people who number in the millions, simply because they hold certain views. You can't justify that violence by saying "Well maybe if they say certain things people will get hurt" either. Do I really need to explain how horrible this stance is?

Initiating violence is morally acceptable if and only if you're protecting yourself, your property, or other people from immediate and tangible danger, not hypothetical future danger that might or might not occur.


regalAugur t1_j5nth92 wrote

violently overthrowing climate change deniers is self defense on a global scale.


Viceroy1994 t1_j5nup59 wrote

So not only should we execute people who are hateful, we should throw in the un/mis-informed as well? You know I'd argue that climate change activists who protest nuclear energy against all logic and reasoning contribute a great amount to rising CO2 levels, should we throw them in as well? Or is it only the people YOU think are the enemies?


regalAugur t1_j5nx52u wrote

people who actively do not want the climate change crisis to be dealt with, and who are running the machine that makes it happen. oil execs, propagandists like prager u, lobbyists.. your uncle gary can be educated, darren woods and matt walsh cannot


[deleted] t1_j5nr0ts wrote



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adamdoesmusic t1_j5pfxiv wrote

Yeah that’s always the argument they make at us right before, and then right after they commit violence at us.

The last time we had a bunch of right wing extremists numbering in the millions and pledging violence against entire demographics of people, it quickly became a problem for the rest of the world.

Not only is it ok, it is sometimes NECESSARY to violently resist if one wants to keep their lives and protect themselves.


Viceroy1994 t1_j5phhze wrote

Oh so you're worried about the US becoming like Nazi Germany? And we should preempt that by gathering all the wrong thinkers, and then what do we do with them? Should we forcefully re-educate them? Or should we consider a more final solution?

If you honestly think that internet trolls and a few thousand neo-nazos (If that) is all it takes for a prosperous, first world nation to dissolve to a fascist nation that mass executes its own citizens than you need professional help.


adamdoesmusic t1_j5pifor wrote

The only people telling me this isn’t a worry are the same people actively forming militias and joining up behind a despotic potential leader.

They’re making endless rules trying to criminalize LGBT people, attempting to force certain demographics to wear or possess special identification… oh yeah, and a few years ago were actively forcing immigrant families into concentration camps, forcibly sterilizing several of them, and stealing their children just to be cruel.

They already execute thousands of citizens a year in the streets - charged with no crime most of the time, and there’s usually a racial element too. The people who do the killing are directly descended from the people who enforced slavery.

You’re not gonna be able to convince anyone “don’t believe your lying eyes”, we know what we’re seeing, we know what we are hearing. Yes, there’s a fucking danger brewing here. It needs stopped.