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Gentlerwiserfree t1_it1zxum wrote

When did “culture” start to mean “conspicuous consumption” as opposed to “art”?

I think I find something sublime in art quite often.

Whether it’s just a particularly skilled or intense or emotional performance of a song or a dance; or the character arc of a character I really care for in a piece of media with a longer story… art tends to be what gives me that feeling of just wanting to gasp.

Just wanting to… point at it and say, “This! This! Look at this! Just look at this!!”

I feel this way about things all over anyone’s highbrow-lowbrow spectrum, with no regard to those distinctions.

If what “culture” means to someone is the food selfies you post online to show off, I’d recommend picking up a book. Any book.

…. Stop me before I start talking about how sublime my favorite character is, but like…!!!


SuperSirVexSmasher t1_it23grj wrote

Culture as in humans doing what humans do. Archaeology examines human culture, they do this by examining things like tools left behind. Culture is the thing that humans do. You get what I mean.