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Grinagh t1_ir1wmll wrote

I always find Nietzsche too ego-centric in the sense that becoming the person you want to be is obfuscated by questions about the self instead of creating meaning for yourself.

Kinda like putting someone in Minecraft and then, them asking, "what's the point?" You need to find out for yourself.


Solo_Fisticuffs t1_ir29pkd wrote

ive always interpreted it as asking the question about the self and then continuing along with the self anyway. like saying whats the point of minecraft but you still play and do random stuff til you find your favorite aspect of the game


hey-i-made-this t1_ir29mrk wrote

>I agree, however thats why i like him.
>Idealism vs materialism.
>What influences what? our Ideas, or the world around us. Most would say both. Dialectic materialism.
>I like the ego-centric ideas as I believe its a huge part of my and other philosophical ideas. I believe in this complex confusing world nature comes first. People that derive their ideas from the material world (nature) i think is fact. And you should ask "whats the point" long before you are influenced.