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Sansa_Culotte_ t1_j93e6gk wrote

> all news is unreliable and virtually all of it is owned buy billionaires (media owned by 3 people is about as trustworthy as Chinese state media)

yes, including all the news people insist is "authentic" and "truthful", such as all the internet randos with millions of followers and sponsorships that somehow are seen as more "trustworthy" than actual for real journalists despite having literally no discernable business ethics, and their sources and methods being even less transparent


mrteapoon t1_j93h19p wrote

Well, most people going down the "all news media is bad" path didn't get there through any kind of logic or reasoning, so when they find alt media that supports their position, that alt media becomes the new truth for them. Post-fact society my dude. Welcome to the future.
