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AbsentEmpire t1_izgo60w wrote

You're right it's far better that we concentrate non white people into poor neighborhoods with dilapidated housing, and by law block any investment into them.

That's worked out so well in the past.


jersey_girl660 t1_izgs0tt wrote

Do you realize that’s often the end result when gentrification is unchecked?


AbsentEmpire t1_izgujhi wrote

Do you realize that gentrification is only possible with exclusionary zoning?


jersey_girl660 t1_izgvry0 wrote

What is your point?


AbsentEmpire t1_izh25qb wrote

That zoning causes gentrification, whats yours?


jersey_girl660 t1_izh29ii wrote

My point has nothing to do with zoning and gentrification is a cause of supply and demand so I’m not convinced it wouldn’t exist without zoning. Only so much land to go around


AbsentEmpire t1_izhamzg wrote

We could fit the entire population of Earth into Texas and everyone would have 1000sqft of space. Philadelphia used to have over 2 million people living in it, and using less total land area than the current 1.6 million occupies.

We are nowhere near running out of land space in this city, try again.


MildTile t1_izgq2ax wrote

Don’t act like any of this is to help any of the none white people out. We all know who is purchasing and living in these condos and it’s sure as hell not the people that lived in those neighborhoods before.


AbsentEmpire t1_izgue98 wrote

Oh fucking please, who do think are the people selling thier house for record amounts of money? No one is being forced out of Point Breeze, but do go on about how black people shouldn't be allowed to profit off their land because racial mixing is bad.

Also tell me you don't live in Point Breeze without saying it. The neighborhood is overwhelmingly single family housing, not condos, there are in fact very few condos available in Point Breeze, and 99% of construction has been empty lot infill with single family housing, structurally unstable house replacement, and existing homes getting full renovations. Fuck out of here with this bullshit.


[deleted] t1_izil3q7 wrote



AbsentEmpire t1_izixvnc wrote

I was born in Philly, have lived here longer than you've likely been alive, and bought my house over a decade ago. But thanks for clarifying that you're some suburban transplant with a chip on the shoulder over not being able to make it in the city, doesn't know shit about Point Breeze, and wants to return to days of redlining.


MildTile t1_izj363x wrote

Oh the old man go to. Lol probably calls into WIP on a daily basis bitching about hockey lol