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LabLawyer t1_j0qf43e wrote

I'm well aware. That's why I'm not Catholic anymore. But saying stuff like this doesn't help the people that are getting abused everyday by Scientology and spending their life savings on bogus courses.


[deleted] t1_j0qgcht wrote



defusted t1_j0qi1av wrote

Man, it is almost as if I can hate the Catholic church AND scientology at the same time. So should we not criticize the westboro Baptist church because we have to spend all our time gripping about the Catholic church? Can I still complain about my trash guys leaving my cans in the middle of the road? Or does it have to be all Catholic church all the time?


LabLawyer t1_j0qhj0g wrote

Trust me I'm plenty upset about that. The sex abuse scandal in the catholic church is also well known. There are many organizations, lawyers, and others working to get justice for the victims and prosecute the abusers and those who covered up the crime not happening as fast as many, including myself, would like it to, but the wheels are in motion.

The same can't be said about Scientology. The public outrage against them isn't high enough yet to convince the government to act.

It's also okay to be upset about both. I can focus on more than one thing at a time. Trauma isn't a competition.


Dorigan23 t1_j0qi5o0 wrote

you can criticize multiple religions at once, its not like criticizing scientology makes us all forget the millienia of atrocities committed by the church


Character_Macaron133 t1_j0ql0he wrote

You are soooo edgy


[deleted] t1_j0qll0d wrote



sugr_magnolia t1_j0qn0eq wrote

You're being overly broad with your generalizations while still singling out specific faiths. Stop.


[deleted] t1_j0qouel wrote



sugr_magnolia t1_j0qqa4z wrote

Taking off my mod hat for a minute:

If you're trying to make a point, do a better job.

Old Pine is a Presbyterian church, since you didn't bother to look.

I'm stepping back and will allow one of my fellow mods to decide what to do with this post.


[deleted] t1_j0qs35i wrote



HobbyPlodder t1_j0r4rr6 wrote

Dude, you blamed "Jews" for conspiring with the Catholic church to (falsely, I assume you mean) criticize scientology in this thread. That is wildly broad, and imo, outright antisemitism.