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ColdJay64 t1_iyahqog wrote

Sounds like a domestic incident:

""There's always fights," Richardson said. "Always quarrels. People in and out of the house constantly. It's never good. The yellow house is the worst house on the block!"

Police have not yet identified the victim. Neighbors told NBC10 the woman lived at the home as a nanny or maid.

"The woman...they treat her like a slave," Richardson said. "She runs in and out of the house barefoot. She really never goes anywhere else. She carries all of their bags in. They scream at her."

Neighbors said the man currently in police custody often ran outside the home halfway clothed and had threatened others to the point where one family moved away. "Just to hear this, I'm not shocked. I'm not surprised," Richardson said. "That man is unhinged and he's terrifying!""


illy-chan t1_iyb91gv wrote

Man, to have to live with so much horrible stuff and then die like that. Poor lady.


Stevekane42 t1_iybq2od wrote

Kinda bad this level of degrading life is right next door.


BrokenManOfSamarkand t1_iycywkg wrote

>The yellow house is the worst house on the block!"

This is more foreboding than one might initially think


djb25 t1_iyd8hiw wrote

> Sounds like a domestic incident:

I mean… I guess decapitating your nanny or maid qualifies as a “domestic incident” but you’re kind of underselling it.


DEATHCATSmeow t1_iyd74vp wrote

Welp there it is: The most depressing I’ve read this month


Stevekane42 t1_iyadzd2 wrote

What the actual fuck hope the sick bastard is caught


H00die5zn t1_iyahbb2 wrote

Ah, yes, that’s enough Reddit for the day.


ksquad80 t1_iybk7zk wrote

That's enough Philadelphia for today


RaccoonTycoon t1_iyd2c6e wrote

Same- and I’m seeing this at 9:35 am.


Stevekane42 t1_iyd2tcf wrote

Dude is fuckin 34. I hope he spends rest of his life behind bars


PlayaDeSnacks t1_iyb3kmk wrote

Sounds like domestic servitude trafficking. Domestic work is the largest form of labor trafficking.


PBfromPhilly t1_iyaxp4w wrote

I only live a few blocks away… the helicopter sounded like it was right over my house this afternoon.


Darius_Banner t1_iyarm10 wrote

Oh that’s nice. Just when you thought a new low was here.


1Surlygirl t1_iyd2xwe wrote

If there was so much domestic disturbance in that house for so long and everyone in the neighborhood knew about it, why didn't anyone call the police or HHS? Why can we not find a way to help people that are clearly in distress without it always involving a police shooting? Why are restraining orders such a joke?

Abuse in our country can not be tolerated. People who abuse animals also abuse kids, women and the elderly. None of this is acceptable, yet we continue to accept it. Why?

We need massive reform in our law enforcement, more emphasis on mental health and protection of the vulnerable in our society. We need better interventions involving other organizations that promote awareness and effectively impede the negative behavior.

It often starts with animal abuse. This is a huge red flag, and it needs to be stopped as soon as it is discovered, not simply ignored because "it's just an animal". Massive penalties for animal abuse need to happen, abusers need to be removed from society for the safety of the rest of us. It can NOT BE TOLERATED. We need to nip this shit in the bud and excise this cancer from society.

People witnessing abuse need to be enabled to do more to help stop it. It has to stop.


Aromat_Junkie t1_iyd7ems wrote

because after the 10th phone call and the cops not coming, because mind your own business, because the neighbor starts hammering on doors demanding to know who called the cops, because my life is exhausting and I have only so many things I can deal with. I dunno.


1Surlygirl t1_iydbx35 wrote

I hear you. I'm just saying that we need new thinking about how to deal with this issue, for all of those reasons you mentioned.


Aromat_Junkie t1_iydcbv1 wrote

I'm just saying, well look I wrote a comment a while ago but shit doesn't even phase me anymore. My first memorable experience in philly (playing a show on w passyunk i forget the name of the bar, JRs?) I got out of the gig van and some dude started screaming he was going to murder his wife for leaving the screen door open.

Or the time I saw an old school style italian beatdown. Two dudes just hammering a guy with a baseball bat right at 9th and Morris.

Or the knife fight outside Michaels Place, but both dudes were so drunk nobody even got hurt. looked like they were humping on the ground.

Or the time I saw an old lady get bricked by teenagers

Or the time I saw a serious road rage on the northeast and a dudes truck flipped

I dunno man it just never ends

you know... like I just can't it's not my fucking problem.


OccasionallyImmortal t1_iydvwvd wrote

The biggest problem is that there's nothing that can be done legally until they break the law in a way that clearly puts someone at risk. If the police come to the door and they don't answer, we don't want the police to kick the door down because the neighbor's heard shouting. The idea that the city could have people involuntarily committed for "acting like jerks" is terrifying, and sadly that is perhaps the only way to modify behavior: by providing an environment that encourages good behavior. That doesn't exist in their home, in an institution, and certainly not in prison.

We called the police on our neighbors who had been outside screaming at each other for nearly an hour, and nearly as soon as they went indoors, we heard a loud boom that sounded a lot like a gun shot. The police arrived, knocked on the door, and when they didn't answer just drove away. Nothing had happened, fortunately.


booourns82 t1_iyemhy8 wrote

I’ve called anonymously on neighbors for fighting with bats that was escalating and when I’ve needed cops for my own reasons, 911 and 311 ring off the hook. I’ve also called for an unhinged woman stealing a stroller outside of a wawa and a man trying to get it back in the middle of Frankford Ave. The 911 operator was extremely apathetic and rude, asking if I’d seen a baby or if it was just a stroller. Based on the guy going after it I’d guess baby but I don’t know, wtf…. They weren’t happy I wanted to stay anonymous and a police officer called my number later saying no one at wawa saw anything and trying to get my name and address. Nope.


djb25 t1_iyd8rl6 wrote

It’s kinda tough to chop off a head.

That guy put some time into this.


Stevekane42 t1_iyemovs wrote

Yea pisses me off man so fucking disturbing. It's like one of those things where the guy probably hesitated and freaked out yet then continued to fucking do this shit


[deleted] t1_iyafwdd wrote



Level-Adventurous t1_iyahemz wrote

Never heard of Lawndale


sciencefaire t1_iyaj5pm wrote

A lot of people forget the northeast exists.


Level-Adventurous t1_iyavtke wrote

Yeah I def don’t pay much attention to the northeast and if I need to be up there for any reason I’m in and out. Heard good things about the restaurants though. If I had more time I might explore but it is what it is I guess.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyaqzp7 wrote

Lawndale subsection of lawncrest older than philadeliphia itself been around been here since chief rising sun ruled the lands


Lizzardking666 t1_iycvsg1 wrote

Omg look at that typo of all the words to miss speel how could you hahahaha


napsdufroid t1_iyb3k3n wrote

Not the post for jokes, dude.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyb4can wrote

Not a joke dude, historical facts!


Fushinaz t1_iyb87v4 wrote

I’ve lived here (in lawncrest) all of my life & didn’t know that!!


Lizzardking666 t1_iyb8iap wrote

Visit the trinity oxford church on longshore n oxford ave did ya know lawncrest once had a hospital?


Fushinaz t1_iyb9uw5 wrote

I actually walk my dog there sometimes. It’s one of the oldest churches in the country. It was founded in the 1600s. There are a lot of skunks there at night.


napsdufroid t1_iyb6od3 wrote

The historic fact is that there was no Chief Rising Sun...the road got its name from the Rising Sun Tavern. Also, Lawncrest itself dates to just before the Civil War. Try again.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyb7jvt wrote

Chief rising sun and his horse are buried at the trinity oxford church for that last 300 years the tavern n street was named after him!


phillybeardo t1_iyeow0m wrote

This is exactly the type of banter I'd expect to hear on a Friday or Saturday night at The Princeton up on the Ave. Weird how I miss that kinda NEasty type humor after all these years. 😂

On a more serious and somber note tho... This is a fucked up news story, and shocking considering the neighborhood. Used to spend a lot of time up that way in my teen years. So out of place and character, even though the area had its own issues at the time (early 00s). Hope proper justice is served in this case.


napsdufroid t1_iyb8i4w wrote

Really? Awfully funny that's not mentioned in the church's history on its web site nor is the chief in the church's cemetery index. Try again.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyb86dx wrote

Also note i d did say lawncrest been here since before philadelphia by civil war time philadelphia above fairmount ave was still farm land with occasional "towns"


and_another_username t1_iycscsy wrote

lol oh stop. That shit was funny.


napsdufroid t1_iyep1eu wrote

Yeah, a report about a woman being decapitated is definitely the place for jokes.


Lizzardking666 t1_iyf1839 wrote

Still wanna know what joke beside me acting like a simplton being sarcastic in spittin facts. Which honestly wasnt directed to you