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icedoutskimaskszn t1_iwusj2k wrote

Earlier this year I bought a new car and had NJ temp tags. I then proceeded to get numerous toll violations in the mail.. someone had made a fake temp tag with the same #s, so the bill went to me. Hundreds of dollars worth.

It was pretty remarkable, though, how many trips this guy made in and out of staten island and Brooklyn in a relatively short amount of time. 😂


Lorenaelsalulz t1_iwuw5gx wrote

Do you have to pay them?


IrishWave t1_iwwa2or wrote

I had a similar situation and got them removed, though EZ Pass doesn't make it easy. Even though the car racking up the violations:

  • Was a different color.
  • Was a pickup instead of an SUV.
  • Was getting fines solely in DC and Baltimore.
  • Drove through a Maryland toll minutes after I drove over the Commodore Berry.

It still took a month of back and forth and for whatever reason, couldn't be removed until I printed all of the emails out and mailed everything to some EZ Pass office.


AVERAGE_ORIFICE t1_iwwaatp wrote

Commodore Barry*


uptown_gargoyle t1_iwwmsx3 wrote

Commodore Berry is Captain Crunch's cousin


PennyLiner t1_iwwstpr wrote

Commodore Berry is also the name of a legal medical marijuana strain, I get it in vape carts.


Ng3me t1_iwv0453 wrote

Possibly a Uber/Lift driver. They get some level of refunds on tolls and that’s not a bad way to pocket that money via stealing from you.


fastrelief4 t1_iwv0sod wrote

Passengers double check the plate number before they get in the uber or lyft car. 🤡


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvn3t5 wrote

People don't do that, but they really should.


nsweeney11 t1_iwwopj2 wrote

It's is kind of a common practice for women at least. It's why you wait on the driver's side of the road, walk around the back and get in passenger side. One of those women safety tips that men don't think of.


Ng3me t1_iww2mtn wrote

Yeah. Most just go for the name. Make sure you have them say the name first.


Edison_Ruggles t1_iwwf7j2 wrote

I don't know why you're getting downvoted, I always do that!


sha1ashaska22 t1_iwwi1em wrote

You’re getting downvoted but only morons don’t check


Linkstas t1_iwwy53d wrote

Had to use a rental for 2 days doing Uber back in 14, complete different car. No one cares except 1 nerdy lot from Temple


SgtKetchup t1_iwumisa wrote

People with blacked-out plate covers have got to be a part of this problem too. How about setting up checkpoints for this shit? $800 million and apparently all that pays for is to show up after shootings and not investigate.


Kageyblahblahblah t1_iwunf9b wrote

That would require cops to do their fucking jobs.


PhillyAccount t1_iwurhhg wrote

A not insignificant amount of obscured license plates have the little FOP badge on the plate. Saw it all the time when I was in South Philly.


doMinationp t1_iwv2wzf wrote

The other day I saw a car with a tinted plate cover + FOP plates and FOP sticker. Bit overkill I thought but I guess they gotta check off all the bases


TheBSQ t1_iwvotsh wrote

This is so true. The overlap of cars with FOP plates and illegal tint jobs and plate covers is nuts.

It screams, “I intend to break traffic laws, and I fully expect to get away with it. The rules don’t apply to me.”

It’s such a selfish and entitled mentality.


Wuz314159 t1_iwusgff wrote

How can you expect the cops to do their jobs if they're not allowed to shoot people for no reason?


Sage2050 t1_iww1gul wrote

Most of the people who use those fucking things also have FOP stickers on them


sanyosukotto t1_iwv7sin wrote

Lol this is way worse than just letting cops pull people over with sus plates. Turns out people violating the inspection code may actually also be driving illegally. If I get roasted for this comment but "checkpoints" gets by then no one deserves the police policing traffic laws.


DavidLieberMintz t1_iww0cvr wrote

Don't even need check points. Just need the cops to fucking patrol an area and then actually stop cars with obscured plates. Then you can ding them for expired inspection or emissions and impound the vehicle. One less shitty driver on the roads.


let_us_get_sickening t1_ix7um0b wrote

A couple weeks ago, I saw a tinted plate cover with a sticky note covering up the last two digits 😂


UpsideMeh t1_iwuq7sd wrote

Honestly last thing I want is a Philly cop with the authority to set up checkpoints, we wouldn’t have a large enough tax base to pay for city services


Expensive_Forever_56 t1_iwuu0xw wrote

Was rear ended. Dude gave me all fake info! Everything was fake smh.


DeadSwaggerStorage t1_iwuzoux wrote

I got rear ended also; cops showed up took all the info and it turned out everything this fuck gave was fake, I was fucking livid, cops said they couldn’t do shit. YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES WERE ON SITE. FUCK THE PHILLY PD. GET FUCKED, PAY FOR MY REAR BUMPER!


ElectricalMud2850 t1_iwv5gb8 wrote

Did they not look the person up to see if their license was suspended or anything? how the fuck


DavidLieberMintz t1_iww0leu wrote

>Did they -

Let me stop you there. It's the PPD. They didn't do shit. Now watch as some bootlicking troll tells me I'm the reason cops don't want to do their jobs lmao.


SonnyBlackandRed t1_iwv71zn wrote

I got rear-ended and cops never showed. The guy that hit me walked away, never gave any information...Still dealing with that through insurance.


eats_the_tacos t1_iwvuwyt wrote

Same happened to me. My basically new car was totaled by a guy with temp tags from Delaware—and of course, no insurance. Cops never showed up. Ambulance driver laughed when I asked if we should wait for the cops to show and make a report.


baldude69 t1_iwv5m4j wrote

Sorry this happened - quick tip to everyone: get a photo of the VIN, usually visible on the dash of the car right by the inspection stickers. Way more foolproof than license plates


Son_of_Anak t1_iwvd653 wrote

The vin was unregistered


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvngab wrote

It's unreal how shit and lackadaisical the PPD are about enforcing anything to do with the vehicle code.

It's also crazy that the laws in the books for it are so lenient, driving is not a right, there should be zero tolerance for driving unregistered cars.


Bisexual_Republican t1_iwwa8ny wrote

Better yet, call the police, Lying to an officer provides a stiffer penalty and therefore gives you extra protection. While also doing all that OP said as well. Cover all tracks.


foulrot t1_iwwfc79 wrote

PPD won't dispatch to traffic accidents unless someone is hurt, even then it's a greater than 50% chance they still don't show.


Disarray215 t1_iwxz3p6 wrote

Just had this happen to me. A box truck sideswiped me and totaled my car. I hit a fireplug, luckily it didn’t go off. Maybe they would’ve come if it did. Lol


baldude69 t1_iwwi6b8 wrote

Unfortunately the cops don’t respond to traffic accidents unless they’re really bad


forgottentaco420 t1_iwvlmfd wrote

This happened to me too, two summers ago. Except my car was completely totaled and I had a concussion and neck injury. 18 year old boy with a car full of friends ran a red light on market street going 50mph and t-boned my car that I had JUST bought. My partner came and took all his information, the police came two hours later. He called me two days after (my mom helped submit the claim for me because I was concussed and I guess it got back to him) and told me that he doesn’t actually have insurance anymore and threatened me if I took him to court it would be “pretty bad” for me. People are actually real pieces of shit.


justanawkwardguy t1_iwvux7m wrote

I hope you went ahead and took him to court


forgottentaco420 t1_iwvv7fo wrote

I did not 😔 I wasn’t sure it would be worth taking an unemployed kid to court or if I’d actually get anything out of it.


[deleted] t1_iww4s1l wrote



Fattom23 t1_ix0pvux wrote

That's true for injuries (which the OP's coverage would have covered through the first-party medical benefits first). PA doesn't have uninsured Property Damage coverage; that would go through the OP's Collision coverage (with a deductible, of course).


justanawkwardguy t1_iwvw15k wrote

I’m not sure if you’d actually get anything, but it would teach the little shit to be more responsible and not try to intimidate people after he makes mistakes


forgottentaco420 t1_iwxw6by wrote

Where this is true, I was in a very bad place financially at the time of the accident because my hours got cut at work, I lost my car and three weeks of work so I didn’t have the money to take a kid to court to teach them a lesson. In a perfect world, trust me I would have.


Expensive_Forever_56 t1_iwv7uh9 wrote

Dudes car went right into the spare tire carrier on my Jeep, was totaled immediately so serves him right.


Fattom23 t1_ix0pkok wrote

If it's possible, you should try to start the insurance claim with the other guy's insurance at the scene. That way, the carrier will tell you if the policy number is fake, at least.


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwuloth wrote

Good article from the Inquirer on how truly fucked the situation is.

Some highlights:

>criminal trades, what’s new is the flood of fraudulent temporary tags into Philadelphia from states with looser issuance rules — like Texas and Delaware. These phony plates have shown up increasingly in police investigations into shootings, carjackings, hit and runs, and car thefts. (In addition to counterfeit plates, thefts of auto tags this year to date were 2,378, a more than 60% increase over the same period in 2018.)


>Philadelphia police officials acknowledge the department lacks automated plate readers and other technology to trace cars with faked tags. Nor does it log incidents of forged plates, or track those used in multiple crimes.

>Law enforcement agencies elsewhere are battling the surge of phony plates. Texas recently overhauled its car tag regulations and penalties following reports of a “tagdemic” that may have put 1.2 million fraudulent plates into circulation. Some have since appeared in far-away murders and human trafficking cases. New York City began sweeping neighborhoods for fake out-of-state tags earlier this year, and last month police in Yonkers pulled 42 “ghost cars” off the streets.


>Delaware printing hundreds of thousands of temporary plates into circulation made fakes even harder to spot and legitimate tags easier to steal — but it is hardly the only state with a fraud problem.

>An NBC News investigation in Washington, D.C., disclosed a surge of bogus Maryland, New Jersey and Texas tags. The Lone Star State also deployed a print-on-demand system, but one so easy to manipulate that out-of-state residents were able to register fake car dealerships and issue more than half a million fake tags.


>So far, there does not appear to be efforts to crack down on the issue locally.

>“They don’t want to talk about it because it’s embarrassing,” Giacalone said.

>Some police officers blamed relatively light penalties for emboldening the sale and use of bogus tags. Possession of a fraudulent license plate in Pennsylvania is a summary offense — essentially a fine — while making, selling or knowingly possessing forged plates is a misdemeanor.


Paparddeli t1_iwuq4p9 wrote

Thanks for posting this. This really should be something the US Department of Transportation should get involved in. Or maybe a lawsuit by the PA AG's office against Delaware and the other states with the bogus temporary tag system.


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvjnzf wrote

There was even more in the article about how screwed up Delaware and Texas are regarding paper plates, PA should absolutely take action against them if possible.


courageous_liquid t1_iwuqfts wrote

> that may have put 1.2 million fraudulent plates into circulation

1.2 MILLION CARS WITH FAKE TAGS. Even for texas, that's absolutely insane.


Indiana_Jawns t1_iwv8j8m wrote

Could just be 1 car with 1.2 million fake tags.


courageous_liquid t1_iwv9gqw wrote

James Bond is real and lives in Texas.


justanawkwardguy t1_iwvws2s wrote

The whole point of the article is that they're not actually in or from Texas


baldude69 t1_iwuqd8a wrote

> “They don’t want to talk about it because it’s embarrassing,” Giacalone said.

Good, they should be embarrassed. This shit is fucking embarrassing.

> Some police officers blamed relatively light penalties for emboldening the sale and use of bogus tags. Possession of a fraudulent license plate in Pennsylvania is a summary offense — essentially a fine — while making, selling or knowingly possessing forged plates is a misdemeanor.

I guess we should probably change those laws. Seems like the kind of thing that would probably get enough bipartisan support to pass


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvjs5t wrote

Cars caught with fake plates should be impounded on the spot.


baldude69 t1_iwvliam wrote

Completely 100% agree. Super likely it’s being used in the commission of some type of crime, and at best it’s making our insurance rates go higher. No reasonable excuse for using fake tags.


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvq53v wrote

Agree 100%, there is literally zero excuse for this, it should have zero tolerance by the state as the only reason someone would do this is to break the law.

It directly endangers everyone else in society.


[deleted] t1_iww74k3 wrote



baldude69 t1_iww79jo wrote

Yep, hence my second comment “at best it’s making our insurance more expensive”

No excuse for this behavior


TreeMac12 t1_iwvljtf wrote

Tinted windshield? Also, straight to jail


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvqk5n wrote

Agree, that shit is illegal, there's no valid reasons to do it, and it endangers everyone else on the road.

Cars that can not pass inspection such as for tint should not be on the road, and impounded on the spot if caught.


ipissexcellence21 t1_iww5xed wrote

They were until they changed the live stop program. Note instead of towing the car they have to leave it parked like the person can’t just come back and get it.


frazell t1_iwxj5xk wrote

Philly has Live Stop which requires exactly this. PPD is MIA though so that won’t ever happen.


schizocosa13 t1_iwv1gh4 wrote

Definitely given me some ideas to make some extra cash. /s


XSC t1_iwuu5oa wrote

They sell this bs on Facebook marketplace not to mention you can just easily print one. Some of them are so obvious with old cars too. I’m surprised these cars don’t get automatically pulled over. I think it’s time DMVs rethink this outdated thing.


Rochereau-dEnfer t1_iwv7ect wrote

I see cars with battered paper plates that look like a child drew them with a marker, cars with paper plates that look like they're barely drivable let alone able to pass inspection. If I can spot this from a distance while barely knowing anything about license plates or cars, I'm sure govt could do better even without more tech!


XSC t1_iwvdub9 wrote

I’ve seen some really bad ones out there and you can instantly tell with the car. Usually if it’s an old car there’s high probably it’s a fake.


Linzabee t1_iwvk7tu wrote

I was once driving behind a ShopRite truck that had a cardboard license plate with all the information written on it with a Sharpie


MeEvilBob t1_iwxttkz wrote

I'd like to see how long someone could drive around the city with no plate at all. My guess is until they run into a Sheriff deputy or a state trooper.


SonnyBlackandRed t1_iwv7f5w wrote

I believe this was just part of the issue with City Council with that new law where PPD isn't allowed to pull you over for this nonsense. Could be wrong, but I think that was just the basis of the veto Wolf just did for the Bike Lanes that republicans added something like this in there.


Rochereau-dEnfer t1_iwvsxqb wrote

The article says that the Driving Equality Bill doesn't prohibit stops for driving with fake tags or unregistered vehicles. The bigger problem is that PPD mostly uses traffic enforcement to harass Black drivers and doesn't actually care about road safety, so they're using that bill as an excuse to throw a tantrum and do nothing. (Tbh I think the bill was a strategic mistake on City Council's part, but I get why they tried it.)


CreditBuilding205 t1_iwx807w wrote

There is no bill where Philly PD can’t pull you over for “this nonsense” and there never has been such a bill.

It is illegal in Philly if your car does not have a real and readable license plate there is no restriction whatsoever on the police pulling you over the second they see you and issuing you a ticket on the spot.

The only thing stopping the Philly PD from dealing with fake and obscured license plates is that they don’t feel like it.

The bill you are thinking of stops the cops from pulling people over for license plates that are real and readable but have other less pressing issues. Like expired emissions tags. They can still write tickets for these things, they just can’t pull people over just to do so.


gryklin t1_iwupxrq wrote

I commute to work through the worst parts of PA and DE on I95 on a daily basis, and for my own health/survival, I stay very far away from any cars without a license plate or “temporary tag.” You’re asking for trouble if you try to cut one off, etc


uptown_gargoyle t1_iwwo3rk wrote

Yeah I also only cut off cars with normal looking license plates


gryklin t1_iwz2co2 wrote

Unless it’s a Charger or Jeep with a normal license plate


65BlT t1_iwuw1be wrote

I love how they put up cameras at the intersection at broad/vine st/76 yet I regularly see cars with tinted license plate covers and fake plates blast through reds there anyway. Whats even the point of the cameras if the people brazen enough to break traffic laws are just gonna cover their plates to avoid being ticketed??


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvogw3 wrote

The problem here is that the state laws about fake plates and registration are incredibly lax, which is compounded by lack of any enforcement.

In a sane world, or just any other developed country, a car with fake plates would be immediately impounded.


TheTwoOneFive t1_iwv3xka wrote

It's also on cops/PPA at this point given they rarely ticket someone for having a tinted plate cover, let alone a fake plate.


yogaballcactus t1_iwvd83k wrote

Obscured plates really need to be an immediate and mandatory trip to the impound lot.


coolkid9 t1_iwvo27h wrote

I got hit by a dodge charger with one of these. Guy was speeding on the 676 east merge into 95 north and tried to cut me off where the right lane ends. Ripped up my bumper on my brand new car. He stuck his head out the door, looked at his car, saw it was fine, and sped off. I got the whole thing on dash cam and called 911. State trooper came, saw the video, saw the temp plate and told me it there was no way to look it up, gave me a blank police report and left.

Fuck all these people and fuck the police too.


Pheeelz t1_iwvkhvz wrote

Just make paper tags illegal straight up. Whenever I see someone driving like a maniac is a paper tag. Literally pull over every single car with a paper tag full stop


[deleted] t1_iww7s0h wrote



Pheeelz t1_iww83dz wrote

Really? I mean plenty of states have legal weed but if I take weed into pa outside Philly I’ll get arrested. Just start doing psas about it and then bring down the hammer .


[deleted] t1_iww929u wrote



Pheeelz t1_iww99zb wrote

It’s literally legal in like 3 states that border PA


[deleted] t1_iwwemhj wrote



Pheeelz t1_iwweu0x wrote

Idk if this is a troll or a bot or what but here ya go lol


[deleted] t1_iwwf864 wrote



Pheeelz t1_iwwfedb wrote

Lol . Lmao . There’s hundreds of successful weed businesses in those states so essentially it’s legal enjoy what ever fantasy land you live in .


[deleted] t1_iwwiozu wrote



[deleted] t1_iwvgd6f wrote



AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvpc8e wrote

I think the issue is more that the consequences for using fake / stolen plates, on cars with fake registration, are basically a slap on the wrist and small fine.

There needs to be laws that have actually enforcement power behind them. Cars with fake plates and or fake or no registration should be impounded on the spot and the driver loses thier license. If they don't have a license than they should be hit with a fine or jail time for illegally operating a vehicle.

Driving is a privilege not a right, we as a country need to start cracking down on the reckless driving that kills over 32,000 people a year, and injures far more. This shit has gotten completely out of hand.


Edison_Ruggles t1_iwwf0mg wrote

On a related note, it would sure as hell help if PA required a FRONT LICENSE PLATE.


Schlubbyhead t1_iwupldh wrote

The article slightly touches upon this but hardly goes into detail shrugging it off, but Thomas’s bill in Council, the Driving Equality Bill, has made it so Police can no longer make a stop on a “maybe” without fear of repercussion from the DA’s office. If the plate, they suspect, is illegal, they must first know the plate is illegal to make the stop. It’s nearly impossible to check whether temporary plates are legal or not for PPD on the fly. This is unfairly reported in the story.

Society needs to change tune to, instead of hating Police, helping Police do their job better with the correct technology. At the very least, don’t advocate for policy which makes it nearly impossible to fix a pretty easy to fix issue, then write an entire piece wondering HoW tHiS hAPpENed like the Inquirer.

Shit, the City only had enough Tasers for less than 50% of Police. That means, other than a nightstick, the only means of protection Police carry was a gun until after Walter Wallace. That has since been exposed by media and addressed, but we still can’t get our shit together on that.

Give cops what they need to do their jobs, and stop advocating for policy which attempts to “fix” the criminal justice system but only makes things worse, and maybe we can not hear nearby gunshots every night.


Andyyougoonieee t1_iwvg8gf wrote

Ha! Back in my PI days not only was this an issue but fake insurance cards and inspection stickers as well. Bottom line, I don’t trust any vehicles in Philadelphia have correct / up to date / legal documentation.

Edit to add: every responsible person in this city who cares about their car, should have “full coverage” (this is actually a bullshit term) anyway, thats mean DO NOT waive full tort, do NOT. waive comprehensive/collision and increase your UM/UIM coverage. You can ONLY protect yourself!!


Glystopher t1_iwvnm9x wrote

Do all this and your premium more than doubles, no thanks said the owner of a heavy tank of a E-150 van that just stays parked unless moving or camping.


Andyyougoonieee t1_iwvyd6e wrote

No one said it was cheap. But again, only you can protect yourself. Sure as shit can’t depend on anyone else to fix your car or cover the cost of your injuries, even if it’s their fault. So therefore, you have to carry quality coverage.


JWHISKY707 t1_iwva82k wrote

Small fine if you get caught with one while being able to get away with larger crimes.


TheBSQ t1_iwvse5x wrote

Genuine, non-facetious question…

Do the policies about not conducting traffic stops over minor infractions make this issue worse, or is the ability to exploit the system with phony tags separate?

Like, if you changed traffic enforcement policies to pull over anyone with a temporary tag, can they actually check the legitimacy of the temporary tag, or can PA LEOs just not check out of state temp tags with their systems period, so it wouldn’t really matter if you stopped them or not?


[deleted] t1_iww8cm2 wrote



AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwwnsr0 wrote

Way past time that laws were changed and updated.


[deleted] t1_ix0ie8u wrote



AbsentEmpire OP t1_ix5ndv7 wrote

Unless the patrol cars are equipped with plate readers and are able to automatically flag cars that have fake plates.


wpcodemonkey t1_iww8xd0 wrote

lol, nothing new. My car was involved in multiple hit and runs where I had license plate numbers and they were all fake or stolen.


K3R3G3 t1_iwxd806 wrote

Good thing people can't get pulled over for shit anymore. Should help.


Fattom23 t1_ix0q4hk wrote

Not sure if you read the story, but it specifies that these violations are not on the list of things that can no longer be the primary reason for a stop. Expired/forged temporary tags are still able to be the reason for the stop. There are several paragraphs about it and everything in the article.


Fattom23 t1_ix0pg3s wrote

It seems that the bottom line of all these crime stories is: the Philadelphia Police, in spite of being funded to the tune of nearly a billion dollars per year, are embarrassingly incompetent when they even bother to do their jobs. How hard is it to notice a fake/expired temporary tag? Or someone covering their license plate? Or to understand that the law doesn't prevent law enforcement from making stops for those things?


User_Name13 t1_iwuu22f wrote


"Some police officers blamed relatively light penalties for emboldening the sale and use of bogus tags. Possession of a fraudulent license plate in Pennsylvania is a summary offense — essentially a fine — while making, selling or knowingly possessing forged plates is a misdemeanor."

So it's right back to Krasner.

Phony license plate should be considered serious fraud.

Can someone tell me what Krasner does actually criminally charge people for and not as a bullshit summary offense?

It's the same thing with shoplifting.

The reforms that Krasner made when he took office in 2018 have undone decades of progress in this city.


StubbornLeech07 t1_iwuv3ix wrote

How is Krasner to blame for a state law? Krasner isn't the one who decided that possession of a phoney license plate is only a summary offense.

The issue is that with this currently being a summary offense, the Philadelphia police won't do anything about it because they will just consider it part of the Driving Equity Bill and something they are not allowed to pull someone over for.


User_Name13 t1_iwuym56 wrote

> The issue is that with this currently being a summary offense, the Philadelphia police won't do anything about it because they will just consider it part of the Driving Equity Bill and something they are not allowed to pull someone over for.

City Council passed the Driving Equity Bill, which was a bullshit policy change that has resulted in more lawlessness on the roads.

How is it the cops fault they're being undermined by City Council?


TheTwoOneFive t1_iwv4rv4 wrote

Which of the things in the Driving Equality Bill have to do with this?

  • Late registration (with a sixty day grace period)
  • Relocation of temporary registration (must be visible)
  • Relocation of license plate (must be visible)
  • Missing a single brake light
  • Items hanging from the rear view mirror
  • Minor Bumper issues
  • Driving with an expired inspection sticker
  • Driving with an expired emission sticker

Plates can be moved but still must be visible. Nothing in here says having a forged plate is not allowed. PPD don't even track fake plates.

You seem desperate to blame this on anyone but the PPD when this is clearly something they refuse to enforce. Yes, the state legislature should bump up the penalty for a fake plate, but as long as the PPD refuses to do anything about it and won't even make the minimum investment of license plate scanners for parked cars, tracking these fake plates, or pulling over people with tinted covers, it doesn't matter if they raise it to a felony with a life prison sentence, the PPD is simply too lazy/incompetent to enforce it.


Indiana_Jawnz t1_iwy1nkq wrote

People driving cars with fake tags are generally idiots who are driving junk. It's likely one of these things would also be screwed up, which would allow the police to conduct a stop.


User_Name13 t1_iwv5qjq wrote

> You seem desperate to blame this on anyone but the PPD when this is clearly something they refuse to enforce.

Did you even bother to read the article?


"Philadelphia police officials acknowledge the department lacks automated plate readers and other technology to trace cars with faked tags."

How can they when they lack the tools to do so?

Tackling this problem would involve increasing funding to the police, something many people on this subreddit are vocally against doing.


DavidLieberMintz t1_iww1383 wrote

>Tackling this problem would involve increasing funding to the police.

LMFAO okay. Maybe we should audit the police so we can see how recklessly they spend their money. Fuck outta here with this "cops need more help" propaganda.


kdeltar t1_iwv7cc0 wrote

I think you might have ignored the question about state law


User_Name13 t1_iwys8nj wrote

You're right.

I was wrong about that being Krasner's fault instead of the state legislatures.

We need stricter laws at a state level to address this.

I can admit when I'm wrong.


AbsentEmpire OP t1_iwvnz57 wrote

I don't hesitate to blame Krasner for the things he's shit at, but the problem here is that state law is very lax about fake registration, which is compounded by the fact that the PPD just straight up doesn't enforce traffic laws.