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BMXBikr OP t1_itvmuk3 wrote

Idk why you're downvoted. You seemed to be just explaining in case I was new to this term. Thank you


dreexel_dragoon t1_itvnpwq wrote

Np, and I think it's because I mentioned in this thread how I use to roll up with my fraternity brothers and lots of beer and we'd get trashed while eating soup dumplings until we couldn't.

We were dickheads, but it was worth it and we always tipped well lol


BMXBikr OP t1_itvo2wr wrote

As long as you weren't too bad, sounds like a great time 😅


dreexel_dragoon t1_itvogwr wrote

Lol we were just a little loud, but nothing egregious enough to come close to being kicked out. Like I said, we always tipped extra to make up for the bigger mess we made from all the cans haha

Definitely some of my better memories