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PsychoCelloChica t1_itxig7n wrote

Sometimes clauses like this are included specifically for public employees. We’re paid our full daily rate for time missed for jury duty, and there’s always a public outcry if there’s any perception of getting something ‘free’.

Heck, it’s not always even public. Sometimes it’s the folks in your own shop who bitch because they had to cover your shift and now you get the day off.

Often, they make rules like this apply to everyone equally (at least on paper), so we can’t claim we’re being discriminated against solely for being civil servants.


SourCeladon OP t1_itxk82t wrote

That makes a lot of sense. As someone who gets paid hourly, this didn’t occur to me. Thanks for the insight :)


sgarst t1_itxrdbi wrote

I just served on a week long jury. A lot of stuff (procedures, attendance) seemed to be based on public employment? There was a near riot when we didn't have to report one day, because no one knew how this was handled as a municipal employee.