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Thot_P0cket t1_jed0f5r wrote

I hope this is a sign they're finally going to start cracking down on people who park on sidewalks.


rev9whitey t1_jedfcce wrote

They’ve been ticketing the sidewalk near my house every night recently and tonight there were ZERO cars parked on the sidewalk. A Philadelphia miracle.


tenkaraphl t1_jeead2e wrote

I've been told that PPD is in charge of sidewalk parkers. PPA is in charge of posted parking regulations.


deathwish_ASR t1_jeeb25d wrote

I got a ticket months ago from PPA for parking on the sidewalk, so I don’t think that’s true.


ModestAugustine t1_jeet81a wrote

That's not necessarily the case - if someone parks on the sidewalk on a street patrolled by the PPA, they can and do ticket.


Brahette t1_jee734p wrote

They've been cracking down on this in Manayunk recently and it's glorious. One guy even complained on our FB group that he got ticketed for parking on the sidewalk because he "didn't know it was illegal" and he "wasn't blocking the road." Bruh you were blocking the sidewalk which is [shocker] NOT FOR CARS.


necrosythe t1_jeeb8fs wrote

Do you know if you can call these in? Neighbor across from me in roxborough parks on the sidewalk next to my place every single day. Doesn't leave it there all day but for hours none the less.

Fucking annoying as shit.


Cabanarama_ t1_jeefaoj wrote

My neighbor does the same. Get the plate, call 311, and say you’d like to report an abandoned vehicle on the sidewalk at [location]. They may refer you to 911 but not always


Starpork t1_jees19w wrote

PPA has a direct number you can call but I had to get it from 311. If you call them direct (particularly during weekday hours but there is someone there all the time) they can even radio the team working your neighborhood and let them know (especially if it's an ongoing thing, those neighborhood crews are regulars and remember problem areas).


New_Land4575 t1_jed0x1i wrote

And in the median


ylli101 t1_jed1tas wrote

And in the bike lanes


coastercities t1_jee26vf wrote

And in literal driving lanes


Iggy95 t1_jeeayo0 wrote

This happened to me the other day, some dude left their car double parked into a driving lane on Manayunk Ave (basically a narrow 2 lane road with street parking). Thankfully some kind septa bus driver coming up opposite let me get around em in the opposite lane, but it's super sketchy.


sweetporcelain t1_jedi46m wrote

And in front of the curb cuts


kcvngs76131 t1_jeeasju wrote

I yelled at a cop the other day because he damn near hit me when I was crossing the street in a crosswalk because he pulled in front of the curb cut I was about to use to get out of the fucking crosswalk. Of course "normal" people are going to do it and fuck over disabled people and parents with strollers if cops are doing it (and almost taking out legal pedestrians in the process).

Is PPA legally allowed to ticket cop cars for shit like parking on sidewalks/curb cuts?


Thot_P0cket t1_jefbahv wrote

> Is PPA legally allowed to ticket cop cars for shit like parking on sidewalks/curb cuts?

I've been seriously considering making a few social media accounts to put the PPD on blast and just link photos of illegally parked Philly police.

They do it near me all the time - they park in the crosswalks at a restaurant nearby, then waddle their fat asses inside and enjoy a sit-down meal.

Fuck anyone who needs to use the crosswalk in the meantime, and god help anyone in a wheel chair or with a stroller.