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a-german-muffin t1_je10blr wrote

Right year, wrong Roman numeral — it was the DSM-V revision (got that one mixed up).

As for Asperger himself being a Nazi collaborator, it's well established.

> Sheffer lays out the evidence, from sources such as medical records and referral letters, showing that Asperger was complicit in this Nazi killing machine. He protected children he deemed intelligent. But he also referred several children to Vienna’s Am Spiegelgrund clinic, which he undoubtedly knew was a centre of ‘child euthanasia’, part of what was later called Aktion T4.


CheapBoxOWine t1_je26iv6 wrote

Dope. Thank you.

I don't go around reading a bunch about Nazis but if you went on the internet and someone just told you an autistic disorder is named after one, would you just accept it as fact?