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CitationNeededBadly t1_j6jzhr4 wrote

is your managed fund still doing better even after fees? That's the usual issue - the fees often are more than the "gains" from active management.


Catchthedisc OP t1_j6k0gbg wrote

Not sure honestly.


KDBurnerTrey5 t1_j6kehw1 wrote

You should find out man. Best to know what you’re paying and why you’re paying it. Managed strategies aren’t bad and can be really successful but you need to know what you’re actually paying for so you can determine if it’s right for you.


Catchthedisc OP t1_j6kh6pp wrote

>Best to know what you’re paying and why you’re paying it

Any tips for how to readily find that out?


Arrasor t1_j6khlgy wrote

Gains minus fee. Compare result to gains in index fund.


bkweathe t1_j6m51a3 wrote

Check the fund profile online. It will tell you the fund's returns over various time periods (always reported after expenses, by law) & the returns of the fund's benchmark (usually an index).

The profile will also disclose the fees, including the expense ratios, loads, 12b-1 (marketing) fees, etc.


Catchthedisc OP t1_j6nshas wrote



bkweathe t1_j6nuh43 wrote

Forgot the mention: you should have been offered a prospectus for each fund before you bought it. Each fund should also provide an annual report. This information should be in these documents, too


KDBurnerTrey5 t1_j6kkqau wrote

Call your broker and have them explain the product and it’s value. If you really want to see if they’re trying to give you a poop product tell them you’re not sure and you think you need advice and then see how the advisor treats you/what they say to you. Should give you a good sense of what’s up.


Catchthedisc OP t1_j6kla3w wrote

Ah, great idea. Thanks.


spillionaire t1_j6myodg wrote

Customer service doesn’t necessarily equal good value when it comes to funds…


Starrion t1_j6l9d5y wrote

Managed funds usually exist to make the managers money.